This section provides thoughts on Epidemiology and Research.
To view an article, click on the year to collapse then choose from the topics.
- 2211206P - Scientific Writing For Research
- 221219P - Cross-Sectional Studies 3: Health Surveys
- 221130P - Non-Random (Non-Scientific) Sampling
- 221018P - The Digital Health Strategy For Sustainable Universal Healthcare
- 221014P - Counting And Measuring In Scientific Research
- 220920P - Follow-Up (Cohort) Design
- 220919P - Sampling In Research
- 220907P - Research Malpractice: Plagiarism
- 220907P - Issues In Research Ethics
- 220905P - Reliability (Validity And Precision): Definition And Measurement
- 220905P - Effective Literature Review: Asses Previous Background Publications On The Research Subject)
- 220905P - From Questions To Variables And Statistical Distributions
- 220905P - Conduct Of Sponsored Clinical Trials
- 220905P - Clinical Trials Classification
- 220905P - Case-Control Study Design
- 220905P - Study Design 1: Observational And Experimental Studies
- 220905P - Study Design 2: Cross-Sectional Study
- 220905P - Study Design 3: Case-Control Study
- 220905P - Study Design 4: Follow-Up (Cohort) Design
- 220905P - Choice Of A Study Design
- 220905P - Case Control Study Design
- 220905P - Identifying Health Problems And Choosing Research Priorities
- 220905P - Cross-Sectional Study 2: Ecologic Design
- 220905P - Cross-Sectional Study
- 220905P - Cross-Sectional Studies 3: Health Surveys
- 220130P - The Functioning Of The Institutional Review Board At King Fahad Medical City
- 220128P - Continuous Adult Education About Knowledge Of The Diin By Necessity
- 220127P - Follow-Up (Cohort) Design
- 220905P - Cross-Sectional Study 2: Ecologic Design
- 220905P - Cross-Sectional Study
- 220905P - Cross-Sectional Studies 3: Health Surveys
- 220118P - Epidemiology: Ethical And Professional Issues
- 220117P - How To Publish Your Paper
- 220113P - Inferential Statistics For Discrete Data 220115P- Presentation On Trans-Disciplinary Integration Of Knowledge By Prof Biraima
- 220115P - The Islamization Of Language And Literature: Multicultural And Global Perspective
- 220110P- Integrating Islamic Values In Mental Health And Emotional Well-Being
- 210331P - Characterization Of Non-Communicable Diseases
- 211008P - Research Proposal Template
- 211008P - IRB Submission
- 211008P - Construct The Management Plan, Budget, And Time Chart Of The Research Project
- 211008P - Construct The Methods Of Data Collection, Data Management, And Data Analysis
- 210321P - Literature Review: Asses Previous Background Publications On The Research Subject
- 211008P - Construct Research Aims, Objectives, And Questions (Hypotheses, propositions, and specific questions)
- 211008P - Definition Of A Research Proposal And Its Sections
- 211008P - Objectives Of The Workshop On Proposal Writing At Al Faisal
- 210926P - Islamization Of Medicine
- 210725P - Strategies For Clinical Research: Sponsored Trials
- 210711P - Adverse Events, Protocol Deviations/Violation And Related Ethical Issues
- 210708P - Vaccine Development Trials
- 210708P - Immunization Surveys
- 210627P - Introduction To Experimental Study
- 210627P - Classification Of Clinical Trials
- 210627P - Basic Elements Of Scientific Writing
- 210616P - Follow-Up (Cohort) Design
- 210610P - Guidelines On Publication
- 210608L - Introduction To Health Economics
- 210608L - Introduction To Health Economics Evaluation For Decision Making
- 210608L - Cost-Utility Analysis
- 210608L - Cost Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) / Evaluation
- 210608P - Concepts Of Economic Evaluation In Clinical Trials
- 210608L - Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA)
- 210601P - Planning A Clinical Trial
- 210601P - Investigator Brochure (IB)
- 210601P - Informed Consent
- 210530P - Writing The Protocol
- 210527P - Protocol For Review: Feast (Acronym) Fluid Expansion As A Supportive Therapy Study Principal Investigator
- 210525P - Structure, Roles, Functions, And Procedures
- 210429P - Follow-Up (Cohort) Design
- 210418P - Classification Of Clinical Trials
- 210407P - Research: Challenges And Opportunities
- 210404P - Epidemiology Of Diabetes
- 210404P - Epidemiology Of Cardiovascular Disorders
- 210330P - Disease: Natural History, Diagnosis, And Prognosis
- 210330P - Follow-Up (Cohort) Design
- 210330P - Cross-Sectional Studies 3: Health Surveys
- 210330P - Cross-Sectional Study 2: Ecologic Design
- 210330P - Cross-Sectional Study
- 210328P - Ethical Issues In Epidemiology
- 210323P - Epidemiologic Methodology
- 210321P - Epidemiology: Definition, Scope, And Classification
- 210223P - Consultant And Trainer R2 Research Transformation: KFMC IRB to R2 IRB and research budget to research
- 210212P - Research Priorities In IOK
- 210131P - The Functioning Of The Institutional Review Board At King Fahad Medical City
- 2100128P - Cross-Sectional Studies 3: Health Surveys
- 210228P - Cross-Sectional Study 2: Ecologic Design
- 210128P - Cross-Sectional Study
- 210126P - Epidemiology: Ethical And Professional Issues
- 210126P - Epidemiology: Ethical And Professional Issues
- 210112P - Epidemiology: Ethical Issues In Research
(2020) Papers & Lectures
- 201229L - Reliability (Validity And Precision): Definition And Measurement (USB)
- 201229P - Questionnaire Design
- 201229P - Introduction To Experimental Study
- 201229P - How To Turn Study Questions Into Variables
- 201229L - Data Collection Techniques
- 201229P - Data Collection Techniques
- 201228P - Introduction To Experimental Study
- 201228P - Classification Of Study Design
- 201228P - Case Control Study Design
- 201227P - Identifying Health Problems And Choosing Research Priorities
- 200204P - Critical Reading Of A Journal Article
- 200915P - IRB Services Overview
- 201110P - IRB Services Overview
- 201110P - The Functioning Of The Institutional Review Board At King Fahad Medical City
- 200915P - IRB Services Overview
- 200915P - The Institutional Review Board (IRB): Structure, Functions, And Challenges
- 200915P - The Functioning Of The Institutional Review Board At King Fahad Medical City
- 200913P - Follow-Up (Cohort) Design
- 200830P - Introduction What Is EBM?
- 200830P - Critical Reading Of A Journal Article
- 200819P - The Functioning Of The Institutional Review Board At King Fahad Medical City
- 200812P - Follow-Up (Cohort) Design
- 200720P - IRB Services Overview
- 200418P - Introduction To Experimental Study
- 200408P - Follow-Up (Cohort) Design
- 200404P - The Functioning Of The Institutional Review Board At King Fahad Medical City
- 200225P - Patients' Final Questionnaires For Influenza Control Program
- 200213P - Meta-Analysis
- 200213P - Follow-Up (Cohort) Design
- 200213P - Case Report And Case Series Presented At CRC Course KFMC
- 200128P - Systemic Review
- 201228P - Classification Of Study Design
- 201228P - Class Data
- 200816L - Cost-Utility Analysis
- 200813L - Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA)
- 200809L - Introduction To Health Economics
- 200809L - Introduction To Health Economics Evaluation For Decision Making
- 200809L - Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) / Evaluation
- 200709P - Mixed Data (Quantitative & Qualitative) Analysis
- 200702P - Correlations: Parametric And Non-Parametric
- 200702P - Correlation Analysis
- 200623P - Data Tabulation And Data Diagrams Using Excel
- 200623P - Data Summary Using Excel
- 200623P - Data Collection And Management
- 200621P - Variables And Statistical Distributions
- 200614P - Adverse Events, Protocol Deviations/Violation And Related Ethical Issues
- 200611P - Vaccine Development Trials
- 200611P - Immunization Surveys
- 200531P - Introduction To Experimental Study
- 200531P - Classification Of Clinical Trials
- 200226P - Critical Reading Of A Journal Article
- 200211P - The Institutional Review Board (IRB): Structure, Functions, And Challenges
- 200211P - Choosing Study Subjects: Specifications, Sampling, And Recruitment
- 200204P - Follow-Up (Cohort) Design
- 200128P - Cross-Sectional Study 2: Ecologic Design
- 200128P - Cross-Sectional Study
- 200128P - Cross-Sectional Studies 3: Health Surveys
- 200126P - Observational Studies
- 200126P - The Functioning Of The Institutional Review Board At King Fahad Medical City
- 200126P - Descriptive And Analytic Study
- 200126P - Case-Control Study Design
- 200107P - Techniques Of Sampling
- 200107P - Health Surveys
- 200107P - Data Summary And Presentation 4: Continuous Data Summary A Measures Of Dispersion/Variation
- 200107P - Data Summary And Presentation 3: Continuous Data Summary A Measures Of Central Tendency
- 200107P - Data Summary And Presentation 2: Discrete Data Summary
- 200107P - Data Summary And Presentation 1: Data Presentation As Diagrams
- 200126P - Descriptive And Analytic Study
- 200510P - King Fahad Medical City - Institutional Review Board Overview: Structure, functions, And Roles
- 200225P - Questionnaire Design
- 200213P - Systemic Review
- 200213P - Meta-Analysis
- 200213P - Case Report And Case Series
- 200128P - Cross-Sectional Study 2: Ecologic Design
- 200128P - Cross-Sectional Study
- 200128P - Cross-Sectional Studies 3: Health Surveys
- 200126P - Observational Studies
- 200126P - Follow-Up (Cohort) Design
- 200126P - Critical Reading Of A Journal Article
- 200126P - Classification Of Study Design
- 200126P - Case Control Study Design
- 200101P - Data Management
- 191130P - Scientific Editing For Medical Writing
- 191106 - The Institutional Review Board (IRB): Structure, Functions, And Challenges
- 190926L - KFMC: Institutional Review Board Informational Brochure (October 2014)
- 190912P - Regulations Of Human Biological Samples Transport & Transfer Form And Into Saudi Arabia
- 190929P - System Of Reviewing Clinical Research
- 190929P - Formation Of The IRB Committee
- 190911P - The Institutional Review Board (IRB): Structure, Functions, And Challenges
- 190616P - Transformation Of The IRB: From KFMC To Cluster And From Budget To Revenue
- 190422P - Principles Of ICG Good Clinical Practice
- 190422P - National Committee Of Bioethics (NCBE) Implementing Regulations Of The Law Of Ethics Of Research On Living Creatures
- 190417P - The Institutional Review Board (IRB): Structure, Functions, And Challenges
- 190411P - The Need For A Holistic Approach In Research
- 190407 - How to Obtain Ethical Approval for Your Research
- 190121P - KFMC Research Program
- 190121P - Human Subjects Research Programs (HRP)
- 190417P - GCP Glossary Of Terms In Alphabetical Order
- 181104P - Evidence-Based Medicine vs Practice-Based Evidence
- 180509P - Epidemiology Of Communicable Diseases
- 180509P - Epidemiology Of Chronic Diseases
- 180509P - Disease Prevention
- 180509L - Causes Of Disease
- 180507P - Introduction To The Discipline Of Epidemiology And Epidemiological Measurements
- 180502P - Introduction To Research
- 180417P - 10 Principles Of ICH GCP
- 180417P - GCP Glossary Of Terms In Alphabetical Order
- 180416P - The Investigator
- 180416P - Duties Of The Sponsor
- 180415P - Principles Of ICH GCP
- 180415P - KFMC - IRB: Roles, Functions, And Submission Guidelines
- 180415P - 10 Principles Of ICH GCP
- 180402P - Introduction to Epidemiology 8: Epidemiology in Health Systems Research
- 180402P - Introduction to Epidemiology 7: Non-Communicable Diseases
- 180402P - Introduction to Epidemiology 6: Communicable Diseases
- 180402P - Introduction to Epidemiology 5: Disease Epidemiology
- 180402P - Introduction to Epidemiology 4: Exposure Epidemiology
- 180402P - Introduction to Epidemiology 3: Interpretation of results of data analysis
- 180325P - Introduction To Epidemiology 8: Epidemiology In Health System Research
- 180325P - Introduction To Epidemiology 2: Study Design and Analysis
- 180325P - Introduction To Epidemiology 1: Discipline Introduction
- 180313P - KFMC - IRB: Roles, Functions, And Submission Guidelines
- 180304P - Sampling: Errors, Biases, And Ethics
- 180304P - Sampling In Practice
- 180219P - Guidelines For Critical Reading Of A Journal Article - OHK
- 180218P - King Fahad Medical City Institutional - Review Board Severe Adverse Events In Research Subjects
- 180214P - How To Turn Research Questions Into Variables
- 180214P - Data Analysis
- 180214P - Confidence Intervals And Their Interpretations
- 180213P - KFMC IRB: Roles, Functions, And Submission Guidelines
- 1701724P - Priorities Of Nursing Research: Knowledge Generation Or Practice Improvement
- 170717P - Principles Of Epidemiology Health Research Course: The Probability Theory As A Basis For Discrete Random Variables (RVS)
- 170717P - Principles Of Epidemiology Health Research Course: The Probability Theory As A Basis For Continuous Random Variables
- 170717P - Principles Of Epidemiology Health Research Course: The Normal Curve And Probability
- 170717P - Principles Of Epidemiology Health Research Course: The Scientific Method And Deductive-Inductive Hypotheses In Health Science Research
- 170717P - Principles Of Epidemiology Health Research Course: Study Analysis And Interpretation: Measures Of Association And Effect
- 170717P - Principles Of Epidemiology Health Research Course: Six Properties Of RVS As A Basis For Descriptive Statistics
- 170717P - Principles Of Epidemiology Health Research Course: Mixed Data Analysis (Discrete And Continuous) Correlation
- 170717P - Institutional Review Board: Procedures And Problems
- 170717P - IRB Documents
- 170717P - Principles Of Epidemiology Health Research Course: Inferential Statistics
- 170717P - Principles Of Epidemiology Health Research Course: Discrete Data Analysis
- 170717P - Principles Of Epidemiology Health Research Course: Continuous Data Analysis