Presented at the Clinical Investigator Program (CIP) Seminars 2020 held at College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh on 25 February 2020 by Professor Omar Hasan Kasule Sr. MB ChB (MUK), MPH (Harvard), DrPH (Harvard), Member of the Institutional Review Board, King Fahad Medical City
• Nationality:
□ Saudi □ Non-Saudi
• Sex:
□ Male □ Female
• Age:
□ 16-25 years □ 26-35 years □ 36-45 years □ 46-55 years
□ 56-65 years □ 65-75 years □ 76 years and above.
Demographics (con’t... 1):
• Marital Status:
□ Single □ Married □ Divorced
• Employment Status:
□ Employed □ Not employed □ Student/Intern
• Occupation:
□ Government □ Private Sector
• Type of occupation:
□ Engineer □ Teacher □ Administrator
□ Healthcare Provider □ Banker □ Others
Demographics (con’t... 2):
• Economic Status:
□ Low □ Middle □ High
• Highest Level of Education:
□ High School □ Diploma □ Bachelor
□ Graduate □ Postgraduate
• Housing:
□ Flats □ Villa □ Others
• File Number: □
• Research Code: □
Please, answer all questions. Tick the box, circle, or briefly supply the answer where applies.
1. Have you previously filled this questionnaire in the course of this study?
□ Yes □ No
2. What is influenza? [Select all that may apply].
□ It is a highly contagious airborne viral disease that occurs in seasonal epidemics.
□ It is common to man and a limited number of animal species.
□ It is a respiratory disease, and It is better prevented than cured.
□ Severe influenza can lead to death both in humans and animals.
□ It is not a serious disease and cannot lead to death.
QUESTIONS: Con’t… - 1
3. a. Influenza transmission from poultry (bird flu) or pigs (swine flu) usually occurs mainly from direct contact with infected animals.
□ True □ False
b. Higher risk of acquiring influenza from infected animals occurs during slaughtering and preparation for consumption; therefore, eating properly cooked meat protects an individual from such risk.
□ True □ False
QUESTIONS: Con’t… - 2
c. Exposure to water and surfaces contaminated by infected bird excreta or droppings can lead to the spread of:
□ Swine Influenza □ Avian influenza (Bird Flu) □ All of the above
4. Human influenza is transmitted from man to man through [Select All that may apply].
□ Aerosols from coughing or sneezing of an infected person.
□ Close contact with an infected patient.
□ Poor hand hygiene or handwashing.
□ None of the above.
□ All of the above.
QUESTIONS: Con’t… - 3
5. Incubation period of influenza (that is from the time of exposure to manifestation of symptoms) ranges from:
□ 7-10 days □ 1-4 days □ 2-4 weeks
6. Do you know the main features that one that has contracted influenza manifests?
□ Yes □ No
7. A person who has influenza may have the following: [Select all that may apply].
□ Fever □ Sore throat □ Fatigue
□ Cough □ All of the above
QUESTIONS: Con’t… - 4
8. If YES is your answer for Q 6, please briefly mention 2 serious problems that influenza can lead to:
□ ___________________________
□ ___________________________
9. Can influenza lead to death?
□ Yes □ No
10. Which age of individuals are most susceptible or pre-disposed to the disease? [Select all that may apply].
□ Infant and young Children □ Middle-aged group □ Elderly
□ People □ None of the above □ All of the above
QUESTIONS: Con’t… - 5
11. Which groups of patients’ Populations are predisposed to influenza most? [Select all that may apply].
□ Immunocompromised patients.
□ Patients with chronic respiratory diseases (eg., chronic bronchitis).
□ Diabetic patients.
□ None of the above.
□ All of the above.
QUESTIONS: Con’t… - 6
12. What is the best strategy mapped out by WHO, CDC, and research scientists to stop the spread of influenza? [Select all that may apply].
□ Administration of influenza vaccines annually prior to Flu season.
□ Public Health measures, such as enhanced surveillance, prompt reporting, and isolation through medical leave.
□ Curative measures, such as administration of Oseltamivir and Zanamivir anti-viral drugs after contracting influenza.
□ All of the above.
□ None of the above.
QUESTIONS: Con’t… - 7
13. a. All persons aged 6 months or older should receive influenza vaccine.
□ True □ False
b. All persons with diabetes are recommended to take Flu vaccine annually because they have a higher risk of contracting influenza with critical outcomes.
□ True □ False
14. Is washing hands important in preventing or reducing the spread of influenza?
□ True □ False
QUESTIONS: Con’t… - 8
15. Is Flu vaccine important in the prevention and control of influenza?
□ Yes □ No
16. Receiving seasonal Flu vaccines annually helps to prevent and reduce seasonal influenza epidemics.
□ True □ False
17. a. Have you received Flu vaccine before? □ Yes □ No
b. Have you vaccinated your children with Flu vaccine before?
□ Yes □ No
c. Do you have any history of allergy to Flu vaccine?
□ Yes □ No
QUESTIONS: Con’t… - 9
18. If your answer is NO for questions 17 (A) & (B), will you like to receive Flu vaccine, vaccinate your children now or in the future?
□ Yes □ No
19. If your answers for Qs 17 & 18 are NO, what are your reasons for the hesitancy in receiving Flu vaccine, or rejecting it? [Select all that may apply].
□ Fear of vaccine reaction.
□ Not considered as a priority.
□ Lack of time.
□ I have never had influenza, so I feel it is not necessary.
□ I have limited knowledge of its importance.
QUESTIONS: Con’t… - 10
20. What do you think are the major hindrances in stepping up Flu vaccination in Saudi Arabia, and what can you suggest as a solution? [Select all that may apply].
□ Vaccine availability is a major hindrance. I suggest more funds to be appropriated towards it.
□ Ignorance due to poor health education on the need for annual flu vaccination. I suggest stepping up health campaigns on flu vaccination.
□ Fear of possible reaction to Flu vaccine. I suggest effective health education in Primary Healthcare Centers(PHCs), hospitals, and Schools.
□ Cultural and Social- behavioral factors. I suggest effective health education.
□ I have no idea.