Presentation to the ATA team at Qaseem by Professor Omar Hasan Kasule MB ChB (MUK), MPH (Harvard), DrPH (Harvard) Professor of Epidemiology and Bioethics, King Fahad Medical City
- Research leads to better diagnosis, treatment, and prevention by providing locally relevant data on disease epidemiology
- Health care workers who research are intellectually active and read and are therefore more up to date in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease
- Research data and findings can direct policy making at the local level
- Research publications bring reputation to the hospital and cluster
- Research publications lead to career growth and promotion for the researcher
- EXEMPT REVIEW research has no risk to the research subject it can be a case report/series, interview, questionnaire, analysis of records, or analysis of stored tissues like blood
- EXPEDITED REVIEW research has minimal risk and its procedures are the same as those in a normal outpatient clinic
- FULL REVIEW research involves high risk intervention either drugs or devices
RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION: Director of research and/or
research committee
- Encourage submission of research proposals by providing training and technical support in proposal writing, data collection, data analysis, and report writing
- Make sure that financial, human and logistic facilities are provided to the researcher
- Follows up and monitors the research till the end.
- Helps the researcher to submit and publish the research
- A research library or electronic data bases
RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION: Institutional Review Board (IRB)
- The main function of IRB is to protect participant rights and welfare by approving and monitoring the research to make sure it follows international and national guidelines
- The committee must have a minimum of 5 members of both genders and representing medical and surgical disciplines. One member must be non-medical and from outside the hospital to represent the community
- Each institution must strive to have its own local committee that must be registered with NCBE by submitting member CVs, a registration form, and ethics certificate.
- The IRB committee meets at least once a month. Exempt and expedited studies are approved within 5 working days. Full review studies are approved within one month.
- IRB approves paper manuscripts before submission to journals
- Exempt request
- Exempt consent
- Expedited request
- Amendment form