This section provides a conceptual framework that enables the student to look at the human body as a well-coordinated entity with harmonious interactions among its various structures and systems as well as the external environment. All these are part of the biological miracle that points to the existence of a powerful and deliberate creator. It covers conceptual issues regarding the structure and function of the human organism.
To view an article, click on the year to collapse then choose from the topics.
- 230722P - The Qur’an And BiologicalSciences: Manifestations Of Allah’s Signs In Pathology, Microbiology, And Parasitology
- 230722P - The Qur’an And BiologicalSciences: Manifestations Of Allah’s Signs In Physiology, Biochemistry, And Pharmacology
- 230721P - Ethico Legal Aspects Of Applications Of Engineering Technology
- 230617P - The Qur’an And Biological Sciences: Manifestations of the biological perfection and Optimality of Allah’s Creation
(2022) Papers & Lectures
- 220113P - Simple Linear Regression
- 220113P - Linear Correlation Analysis
- 220113P - Inferential Statistics For Discrete Data
- 220113P - Inferential Statistics For Continuous Data
- 220113P - Hypotheses
- 220113P - Exercises In Biostatistics
- 220113P - Descriptive Statistics For Continuous Data
- 220111P - Descriptive Statistics For Discrete Data
- 220109P - Variables And Statistical Distributions
- 130605P - Suggestions On Boosting Research Output At KFMC
- 130501P - Data Analysis: Analysis Of Class Data
- 130501P - Meta-Analysis (Word Slide)
- 130501P - Meta-Analysis
- 130501P - Survival Analysis (Word Slide)
- 130501P - Survival Analysis
- 130501P - Concepts Of Prevalence: Point Prevalence And Period Prevalence
- 130501P - Concepts Of Prevalence: Point Prevalence And Period Prevalence
- 130501P - Measure Of Excess Disease Risk: The Odds Ratio And The Rate (Risk) Ratio
- 130501P - Discrete Data Inference
- 130501P - Discrete Data Summary
- 130501P - Overview Of Data Management And Data Analysis (Word Slide)
- 130501P - Overview Of Data Management And Data Analysis
- 130501P - Confounding Bias (Word Slide)
- 130501P - Confounding Bias
- 130501P - Hypotheses (Word Slide)
- 130501P - Hypotheses
- 130501P - Variables (Word Slide)
- 130501P - Variables
- 130501P - Bias In Research: Epistemological And Practical Considerations
- 130326P - Database Management: Storage, Retrieval, Warehousing, Mining, And Replication
- 130326P - Research Data Management (Word Slides)
- 130326P - Introduction To Research Data Base Management (Word Slides)
- 130326P - Introduction To Research Data Base Management
- 1012L - The Definition Of The Sratt Of Life A Scientific Or A Moral Dilemma' Editorial Written For The Taibah University Journal Of Medicine
- 101213P - Researching By Observing 2
- 101213P - Researching By Observing
- 1011P - Qur'anic Concepts About Health And Illness
- 1010L - Staff To Staff Communication: Etiquette & Confidentiality
- 1009P - Long Essay Questions
- 1007P - Module 7.0 Infectious Exposures
- 1007P - Study Interpretation
- 1007P - Non-Communicable Disease
- 1007P - Module 9.0 Disease Characterization
- 1007P - Module 8.0 Non-Infectious Exposures
- 1007P - Introduction To Public Health Disciplines
- 1007P - Evaluation Of A Clinical Research Proposal
- 1007P - 2.0 Mathematical Foundations Of Biostatistics
- 1007L - Use Of Mass Media For Health Communication
- 1007L - Communication Process
- 1007L - Role-Playing Practical Sessions On Communication With Patients
- 1007L - Nature And Types Of Communication 2
- 1007L - Nature And Types Of Communication
- 1007L - Examination Questions Communication July 2010
- 1007L - Descriptive Statistics
- 1006P - Towards Research Priorities In Health Status Assessment: Identifying And Using Various Data Sources
- 1006P - Towards Research Priorities In Health Care Delivery Basic Issues And Concepts
- 1006L - Guidelines On Good Scientific Writing
- 1006L - Critical Reading Of A Journal Article
- 1005P - Budgeting For Research Projects
- 1005P - Research Questions And Hypotheses
- 1005P - Presentation Slides On Analysis And Statement Of The Problem
- 1005P - Presentation On Formulation Of Research Objectives And Hypotheses
- 1005P - OverView Of Problem Analysis And Statement
- 1005L - Statement Of The Research Problem & Formulation Of Research Objectives
- 1005L - Pre-Test For Workshop On Research Problems And Research Questions
- 1005L - Discussion Problems At Workshop On Stating Research Problems And Formulating Research Questions
- 1004P - The Biological Miracle: Reading The Signs Of Allah Through Basic Medical Sciences - Part 1
- 1004P - The Biological Miracle Reading The Signs Of Allah Through Basic Medical Sciences - Part 2
- 1004P - The Biological Miracle Reading The Signs Of Allah Through Basic Medical Sciences - Part 1 2
- 1004L - Study Design 2: Experimental Studies
- 1004L - Study Design 1: Observational Studies
- 1004L - Formulating And Solving Public Health Problems 1: Questions, The Scientific Method, And Hypotheses
- 1004L - Data Summary
- 1004L - Data Sources And Retrieval
- 1004L - Data Presentation
- 1004L - Data Interpretation: Tests Of Association And Measures Of Effect
- 1004L - Data Interpretation: Sources And Treatment Of Bias
- 1004L - Data Collection And Management
- 1004L - Data Analysis
- 1004L - Critical Reading Of A Journal Article
- 1004L - Background To Main Public Health Concerns Requiring Epidemiological Use Of Epidemiological Evidence Fir Decision Making
- 1003L - Questionnaire Design
- 1001P - Knowledge: An Islamic Perspective
- 1001L - Research: Theory, Practice, And Policy
- P - The Effect Electromagnetic Field On The Stem Cells Of Rabbit Blastocysts In Vitro; An Ultrastructure Study
- 0912P - Transitions In The Status Of Life, Health, And Growth
- 0912P - Reading The Signs Of Allah Through Basic Medical Sciences: The Biological Miracle
- 091103P - Scientific Knowledge: An Islamic Formulation
- 091025P - Abstracts For Workshop On Essentials Of Epidemiology In Public Health: Module On Non-Communicable Disease Epidemiology
- 091025P - Abstracts For Workshop On Essentials Of Epidemiology In Public Health: Module On Communicable Disease Epidemiology
- 091025P - Abstracts For Workshop On Essentials Of Epidemiology In Public Health: Module On Exposure Epidemiology
- 091025P - Abstracts For Workshop On Essentials Of Epidemiology In Public Health: Module On Disease Epidemiology
- 091025P - Abstracts For Workshop On Essentials Of Epidemiology In Public Health: Module Of Data Interpretation And Presentation
- 091023P - Workshop 2 on Essentials of Epidemiology in Public Health
- 0907L - Module 2.0 Introduction To Disciplines
- 090720L - Module 7.0 Interpretation
- 090717L - Module 6.0 Study Design And Analysis
- 090716L - Module 5.0 Inferential Statistics
- 090715L - Module 4.0 Descriptive Statistics
- 090714L - Module 3.0 Mathematical Foundations
- 090713L - Module 1.0 Epistemological Background
- 0903P - Knowledge, Opinions, Attitudes, And Practice Of Medical Ethics Among Medical Students
- 0903P - Knowledge, Attitudes, And Practices (KAP) Regarding Cancer Prevention Among Students Of The Institute Of Medicine, Universiti Brunei Darussalam
- 090323L - Health Economics
- 090323L - Health Services
- 0900L - Module 10 Non-Communicable Disease
- 0900L - Module 9 Disease Characterization
- 0900L - Module 8 Non-Infectious Exposures
- 0900L - Module 7 Infectious Exposures
- 0900L - Module 6 Study Interpretation
- 0900L - Module 5 Study Design and Analysis
- 0900L - Module 4 Inferential Statistics
- 0900L - Module 3 Descriptive Statistics
- 0900L - Module 2 Mathematical Foundations
- 0900L - Module 1 Introduction to Disciplines
- 081221P - Reading The Signs Of Allah Through Basic Medical Sciences: The Biological Miracle
- 081221P - Transitions In The Status Of Life, Health, And Growth
- 081221P - Creation, Al Khalq Al Insan
- 081221P - Ciptaan, Khalq Al Insan
- 0811P - Taskhiir: The Islamic Concept Of Environmental Accountability
- 081112L - Phases Of A Clinical Trial
- 081110L - Diagnostic Tests: Sensitivity, Specificity, & Predictive Value
- 081103L - Epidemiological Studies: Cross-Sectional, Case-Control, And Cohort
- 081103L - Meta-Analysis
- 081103L - Randomized Experimental Studies
- 081103L - Diagnostic Tests: Sensitivity, Specificity, & Predictive Value
- 0810L - Module 5: Inferential Statistics
- 0810L - Module 4: Descriptive Statistics
- 0810L - Module 3: Mathematical Foundations
- 0810L - Module 2: Discipline Introductions
- 0810L - Module 1: Epistemological Background
- 081027L - Measure Of Excess Disease Risk: The Odds Ratio And The Rate (Risk) Ratio
- 081020L - Epidemiological Studies: Cross-Sectional, Case-Control, And Cohort
- 081015L - Concepts Of Prevalence: Point Prevalence And Period Prevalence
- 081015L - Incidence Rates
- 081015L - Concepts Of Prevalence: Point Prevalence And Period Prevalence
- 081015L - Incidence Rates
- 081007L - Screening
- 081007L - Critical Reading Of A Journal Article
- 080923L - Hypotheses
- 080921L - Data Summary
- 080910L - Variables
- 080908L - Data Storage And Retrieval
- 080901L - Data Presentation As Diagrams
- 080827L - Probability Concepts In Medicine
- 080825L - The Null And The Alternative Hypotheses
- 080814L - Phases Of A Clinical Trial
- 080814L - Data Management And Data Analysis
- 080814L - Data Analysis: Analysis Of Class Data
- 080810L - Variables
- 080810L - Probability Concepts In Medicine
- 080810L - Introduction To Quantitative Methods I: Epidemiology
- 080810L - Introduction To Quantitative Methods II: Biostatistics
- 080804L - Field Epidemiology
- 080708P - ‘Islamic Introduction To Disciplines Of Knowledge’ As A Preliminary Step To The Islamization Of Knowledge
- 080603L - Cross-Sectional Studies
- 080506L - Intervention Studies At The Community Level
- 080506L - Intervention Studies In The Clinical Setting
- 080506L - Cohort Studies
- 080402L - Intra-Uterine Development
- 080402L - Human Sexuality
- 080401L - Confounding Bias
- 0803P - Epidemiological Research Based On Large Data Analysis: Study Characteristics
- 0803P - Are Cell Phones Safe?: A Pilot Meta-Analysis Of Case-Control Studies Linking Cellphone Use To Acoustic Neuroma
- 0803P - Knowledge, Attitudes, And Practices (KAP) Regarding Cancer Prevention Among Students Of The Institute Of Medicine, Universiti Brunei Darussalam
- 0803P - Knowledge, Opinions, Attitudes, And Practice Of Medical Ethics Among Medical Students
- 0803L - Weight For Age Girls (Attachment)
- 0803L - Length For Age Boys (Attachment)
- 080330P - Presentation Of Statistical Results
- 080330P - Preparing Effective Tables
- 080325L - Information Management
- 080318L - Survival Analysis
- 080318L - Selection Bias
- 080318L - Misclassification Bias
- 080311L - Health Economics
- 080309P - Writing A Meta-Analysis Paper
- 080309P - A Background Meta-Analysis
- 080226L - Measures Of Effect: Rate Ratio And Odds Ratio (Review)
- 080226L - Meta-Analysis
- 080223P - Analysis Of Clinical Data On Diabetes
- 080212P - Towards Developing A Youth Health Index
- 0712P - The Transition From Sample To Population Epidemiology
- 0712P - Epidemiological Research Based On Large Data Analysis: Study Characteristics
- 0712P - Are Cell Phones Safe?: A Pilot Meta-Analysis Of Case-Control Studies Linking Cellphone Use To Acoustic Neuroma
- 071115L - Followup Design
- 071108L - Old Age
- 071108L - Randomized Design: Clinical Trials
- 071108L - Case-Control Design
- 071107L - Screening For Early Disease Detection
- 071101L - Cross-Sectional Design
- 0710L - Followup Design
- 0710L - Disease Screening
- 071025L - Randomized Design: Community Trials
- 071025L - Field Epidemiology
- 071024L - Sleep And Rest
- 071017L - Cycles Of Life: Old Age
- 071017L - Cycles Of Life: Middle Age
- 071017L - The Cycles Of Life: The Intra-Uterine Period
- 071017L - Cycles Of Life: Infancy & Childhood
- 071017L - Cycles Of Life: Youth
- 071010L - Measure Of Excess Disease Risk: The Odds Ratio And The Rate (Risk) Ratio
- 071010L - Medical Treatment
- 070912L -Measures Of Excess Disease Occurrence II: Rate Difference And Attributable Rate
- 070912L - Physical Activity
- 070912L - Measure Of Excess Disease Risk: The Odds Ratio And The Rate (Risk) Ratio
- 070912L - The Concept Of Negative Feedback
- 070912L - Homeostasis And Equilibrium
- 070907L - Information Gathering: The Sensory System
- 070905L - Transport: The Cardio-Respiratory System
- 070905L - Support, Locomotion, And Protection: The Musculo-Skeletal System, And The Skin
- 070905L - Input-Output: The Alimentary And Excretory Systems
- 070905L - Information Processing: The Cerebrum
- 070905L - Cumulative Incidence
- 070829L - Probability Concepts In Medicine
- 070829L - The Biological Miracle Of The Human Body I: Perfection, Optimality, And Incomparability
- 070829L - Biological Miracle II: Functional Unity Of The Human Body Based On Control Systems
- 070829L - Biological Miracle III: Command And Communication
- 070825P - Characteristics Of A Muslim Physician
- 070822L - Concepts Of Prevalence: Point Prevalence And Period Prevalence
- 070808L - Introduction To Quantitative Methods I: Epidemiology
- 070808L - Introduction To Quantitative Methods II: Biostatistics
- 070808L - Incidence Rates
- 0707P - Artificial Dataset
- 070729P - Logistic Regression Analysis
- 0704L - Year 2 Semester 2 Review
- 070418L - Range-other-measures-variation
- 070411L - Pregnancy, Haml
- 070411L - Menstruation
- 070411L - Intra-Uterine Development
- 070411L - Human Sexuality
- 070404L - Introduction To Survival Analysis
- 0703P -Practical And Theoretical Implications Of Epidemiological Research Based On Full Sample Large Data Analysis
- 070328L - Continuous Data Summary 2: Measures Of Dispersion / Variation
- 070321L - Time Series Analysis
- 070317P -Role Of Islamic Medical Teachings In Disease Prevention
- 070317P - Food And Poison
- 070315L - Continuous Data Summary 1: Measures Of Central Tendency
- 070315L - Multiple Linear Regression
- 070228L - Regression Analysis I: Linear Regression
- 070221L - Discrete Data Summary
- 070214L - Correlation Analysis
- 070207L - Data Presentation As Diagrams
- 070124L - Continuous Data Analysis
- 070117L - Discrete Data Analysis
- 070116L - Data Storage And Retrieval
- 061201P - Artificial Data Set For Practice Analysis By Postgraduate Epidemiology Students
- 061117L - Regression Analysis
- 061117L - Disease Determinants And Disease Causality
- 061117L - Discrete Data Analysis
- 061117L - Correlation Analysis
- 061117L - Continuous Data Analysis
- 061115L - Patient Guidelines Regarding Hygiene Of Physiological Secretions V: Body Fluids
- 061110L - Survival Analysis
- 061110L - Sources And Treatment Of Bias
- 061110L - Measures Of Association And Measures Of Effect
- 061103L - Randomized Design: Community Trials
- 061103L - Randomized Design: Clinical Trials
- 061103L - Follow-Up (Cohort) Design
- 061103L - Case-Control Design
- 061101L - Sampling In Medical And Health Research
- 061028L - Disease Screening
- 061027L - Measures Of Association And Effect
- 061027L - Introduction To Public And Community Health
- 061027L - Introduction To General Epidemiology
- 061027L - Introduction To Epidemiological Studies
- 061027L - Introduction To Clinical Epidemiology
- 061027L - Disease Description And Measures Of Disease Frequency
- 061027L - Cross-Sectional Design
- 061026L - Diagnostic Tests: Sensitivity, Specificity, & Predictive Value
- 061018L - Cycles Of Life: Old Age
- 061018L - Cycles Of Life: Middle Age
- 061018L - The Cycles Of Life: The Intra-Uterine Period
- 061018L - Cycles Of Life: Infancy & Childhood
- 061018L - Hypothesis Testing And Interpretation
- 061018L -Cycles Of Life: Youth
- 061011L - Sleep And Rest
- 061011L -Measures Of Excess Disease Occurrence II: Rate Difference And Attributable Rate
- 061011L - Physical Activity
- 061004L - Medical Treatment
- 061003L - The Null And The Alternative Hypotheses
- 061003L - Health, Sihat & ‘Aafiyat
- 061003L - Disease And Illness
- 060920L - Measure Of Excess Disease Risk: The Odds Ratio And The Rate (Risk) Ratio
- 060920L - Life: Definition, Nature, Quality, And Value
- 060913L - Random Variables Used In Medicine
- 060913L - Balance And Equilibrium In The Human Body In Interaction With The External Environment
- 060913L - Death: Definition, Nature, Quality, Process, And Criteria
- 060906L - Transport: The Cardio-Respiratory System
- 060906L - Support, Locomotion, And Protection: The Musculo-Skeletal System, And The Skin
- 060906L - Input-Output: The Alimentary And Excretory Systems
- 060906L - Information Processing: The Cerebrum
- 060906L - Information Gathering: The Sensory System
- 060906L - Cumulative Incidence
- 060830L - Probability Concepts In Medicine
- 060830L - The Biological Miracle Of The Human Body I: Perfection, Optimality, And Incomparability
- 060830L - Biological Miracle II: Command, Communication, And Control
- 060830L - Biological Miracle Of The Human Body II: Functional Unity Of The Human Body Based On Control, Command, And Communication Systems
- 060823L - Concepts Of Prevalence: Point Prevalence And Period Prevalence
- 060809L - Introduction To Quantitative Methods I: Epidemiology
- 060809L - Introduction To Quantitative Methods II: Biostatistics
- 060809L - Incidence Rates
- 060713P - Cognitive And Spiritual Approaches In Patient-Centered Counseling For Anxiety
- 060405L - Epidemiology Of Oral Disease
- 060125L - Morbidity, Mortality, And Demographic Statistics
- 060125L - Disease Classification, Description, And Measurement
- 0604P - Over-View Of Epidemiology
- 0603P - General OverView And Revision Of Biostatistics
- 0602L - Association Between Knowledge And Practice Of Cancer Prevention Among Medical Students1
- 0511P - Information Technology In Medicine
- 051019L - Evidence-Based Medicine
- 051014P - Principles Of Epidemiology
- 051012P - Patient Education With Reference To The Breast Lump Case
- 0509P - Issues In Communicable Diseases
- 050921P - Cognitive And Spiritual Approaches To Anxiety
- 0508P - Scales Of Measuring And Counting
- 0508P - Regression Analysis
- 0508P - Introduction To Computing
- 0508P - Introduction To Bio-Statistics
- 0508P - Health, Sihat & ‘Aafiyat
- 0508P - Disease, Al Maradh
- 0508P - Discrete Data Summary
- 0508P - Continuous Data Summary 2: Measures Of Dispersion / Variation
- 0508P - Continuous Data Summary I: Measures Of Central Tendency
- 0508P - Data Presentation As Diagrams
- 0508P - Discrete Data Analysis
- 0508P - Continuous Data Analysis
- 0508P - Correlation Analysis
- 0506P - Medical Student KAP Regarding Cancer Prevention
- 0505P - Epidemiology Of Breast Cancer In Malaysia
- 050204P - Presentation Of Statistical Results
- 0500P - The Alimentary System, Maidat
- 0500P - Preventive Medicine, Tibb Wiqa’i
- 0500P - Physical Activity
- 040813P - Development Of Our Children
- 040625L - Pharmaco-Epidemiology
- 040624L - Understanding Spiritual Needs Of Patients
- 040607L - The Role Of Salat And Spirituality In Health
- 040528P - Spiritual Approaches In Medical Treatment
- 040525P - Introduction To Multivariate Analysis
- 001222L - Chemical And Other Sensations
- 001208L - Surface Sensory System
- 001201P - Effect Of A Cancer Education Program On Knowledge And Use Of Cancer Information Sources In National Sample Of Secondary School Students
- 001201L - Hearing, Sam’u, And Equilibrium, Istiwa
- 001125L - Hygiene
- 001124L - Vision (Basar)
- 001123P - Change Of Knowledge, Attitudes, And Practice (KAP Regarding Lung Cancer Prevention After An Intervention Program In Secondary School Students
- 001118L - Reproduction, Izdiyaad
- 001105P - Treatment Of Late-Presenting Cancer: A Pilot Nation-Wide Cancer Registration Project
- 001104P - Case-Control Study: Evaluation Of Impact
- 001013L - Old Age, Shaykhuukhat, Kibr, Haram
- 000929L - Youth, Sinn Al Shudd
- 000923L - Alimentary System, Maidat
- 000919P - Review Of Biostatistics For 4th Years
- 000915L - Growth & Development: Infancy & Childhood, Tufuulat
- 000728L - Perfection, Optimality, & Incomparability
- 000708L - Interaction With The Environment
- 000429L - Management Of Disease
- 000325L - Reproduction, Injaab / Izdiyaad
- 000325L - Reproduction
- 000323L - The Sleep Function (Nawm)
- 000318L - Memory Functions (Dhhakirat, Hifdh)
- 000311L - The Intellectual Function (‘Aql)
- 000304L - Old Age (Shaykhuukhat, Kibr, Haram)
- 000226L - The Motional Function
- 000219L - Middle Age, Sinn Al Rushd 40-60
- 000215L - Health, Sihat & Afiyat
- 000212L - The Nervous Systems (Jihaz Al Asabi)
- 000122L - Medical Treatment (Al Tatbib, Al Tibaabat)
- 000108L - Death, Al Mawt, Al Mamaat
- 0010P - Data Collection, Management, & Presentation
- 0010P - Data Interpretation
- 0007L - Pathological Processes: Repair & Restoration Of Equilibrium (Ruju Ila Al I'itidal)
- 0006P - Homeostasis (‘I’itidal)
- 0003P - Course Outline: Biostatistics
- 0001L - Disease, Al Maradh
- 991224P - Reflections On The Statistical Design And Analysis Of Adjuvant Therapy Clinical Trials
- 991218L - Middle Age, Sinn Al Rushd 40-60
- 991218L - Life, Al Hayat
- 991215P - Attitudes Of Caregivers To Cancer In Relation To Their Social And Work Background
- 991211L - Youth (Sinn Al Shudd)
- 991127L - Growth & Development: Infancy & Childhood (Tufuulat)
- 991120L - Intra-Uterine Growth & Development
- 991018L -Body Hygiene: Excreta & Secretions
- 991006P -Epidemiologic Methodology In Public Health: New Frontiers And Challenges
- 990925L - Vision (Basar)
- 990915P - Use Of SAS In The Analysis Of Epidemiological Data At The UIA Faculty Of Medicine
- 990911L - The Alimentary System (Maidat)
- 990821P - Personality Development In Islam
- 990821P - Human Sexuality And The Shariah
- 990810P - Psychological And Mental Health
- 990807P - Islamic Perspective On The Death Process In Terminal Cancer Patients
- 990623P - Moderation, Balance, And Just Equilibrium In Preventive Medicine
- 990619P - Strengths And Weaknesses Of The Epidemiological Methodology
- 990614P - Disease Prevention And Control: Islamic Perspectives
- 990521P - Impact Of The Medical Curriculum On The Knowledge, Attitudes, And Practice (KAP) Of Medical Students Relating To Cancer Prevention
- 990505P - Islamic Perspectives In The Teaching Of Probability To Medical Students
- 990410L - The Memory Functions (Dhhakirat, Hifdh)
- 990320L - Dreams
- 990313L - Sleep
- 990206L - Sensory Perception
- 990123L - Human Senses: Towards Understanding The Divine Will
- 990123L - Ageing: The Shariah Perspective
- 990109L - Psychological And Mental Health
- 990109L - Human Sexuality And Shariah
- 9910L - Surface Sensory System
- 9910L - Other Sensory Modalities
- 9909L - Hearing (Sam’u) And Equilibrium (Istiwa)
- 9909L - Chemical Sensation
- 9904L - Old Age (Shaykhuukhat, Kibr, Haram)
- 981219L - The Concept Of Life In The Qur'an
- 981214P - Emotional Stability
- 981205L - Integration, Regulation, Order, And Control: The Divine Will: Part 1: Perfection (Kamal) And Optimality (Ahsan Taqwim)
- 981128P - Longevity
- 981119L - Medical Treatment (Al Tatbib)
- 981114L - Health (Sihat & Afiyat)
- 981114L - Disease (Al Maradh)
- 981031L - Life (Al Hayat)
- 981031L - Death (Al Mawt, Al Mamaat)
- 981010L - Body Hygiene: Excreta & Secretions
- 980926L - The Alimentary System (Maidat)
- 980704L - Musculo-Skeletal System (‘Idhaam & ‘Adhalaat) And Physical Exercise
- 980416L - Cancer: Causes, Treatment And Prevention
- 980326L - Cancer: Causes, Treatment And Prevention
- 980124L - Disease (Al Amradh)
- 980117L - Psychological And Mental Health
- 980103L - Concept Of Life
- 971123P - Knowledge And Attitude About Cancer Prevention: A Perspective Of A Multi-National Islamic University Community
- 971119P - Knowledge And Attitudes About Cancer Prevention: A Perspective Of A Multi-National Islamic University Community
- 971119P - Knowledge And Attitudes About Cancer Prevention: A Perspective Of A Multi-National Islamic University Community
- 971115L - Medical Treatment (Al Tibb)
- 971114L - Epidemiology Of Cancer
- 971108L - Health And Disease: Islamic Aspects
- 971025L - Life (Al Hayat)
- 971025L - Death (Al Mawt)
- 970817P - Conceptual Framework Of The Interaction Of The Human Essence (Nafs) And Free-Will (Iraadat) In Counselling & Psychotherapy