Lecture for
medical students King Fahad Medical City Riyadh 2014 October 29, 2014
Definitions 1: Quality
Control (QC)
- The concept of quality control (QC) started in industry where the aim was to detect defective parts and products and not allow them to be sold to the consumer.
- Quality inspectors were trained and inspection methods were developed to be able to certify that products were good before release into the market.
- Statisticians working for manufacturing companies have developed very sophisticated approaches of error analysis.
Definitions 2: Quality
Assurance (QA)
The concept of quality assurance (QA) is more advanced than that of
quality control.
QA assumes that there is a definable quality level that is acceptable
and efforts are made to make sure that performance does not fall below that.
QA has a disadvantage of being static in nature in a rapidly changing
and improving field.
Definitions 3: Quality
Improvement (QI)
The concept of quality improvement (QI) assumes that whatever is done
could be done better and that the criteria or levels of performance have to
improve on a continuous basis.
QI is a more dynamic concept than the two described above.
QI is the trend of the future because the increasingly competitive
health care industry will insist on quality.
Health care providers as well as managers will be interested in methods
of not only assuring but of improving
that quality.
Definitions 4: Health Care Providers
This term refers to the professionals who take care of patients. It
includes physicians, nurses, and other professional support personnel.
The basic interest of all HCPs is to provide professionally competent
care. They have a professional and moral responsibility to do the best for
their patients.
In the traditional mode of health care HCPs were not supposed to
consider resources in their clinical decisions. They would aim at quality care
whatever the price.
Today’s managed care, they are finding it increasingly difficult not to
consider resources and health economics.
HCPs are also becoming resentful of cost and profit-conscious business
managers who want to control their consumption of health care resources and
remind them that these resources are limited.
Definitions 5: Health care
consumers (HCC)
Healthy and ill persons who seek preventive or curative health services
are generally referred to as health care consumers.
The aim of HCCs is to get quality care in a respectful atmosphere.
Today’s consumer is more demanding because of higher education and more
general knowledge about medicine.
The increasing trends of private care are making consumers demand
quality for the price they pay.
The definition of quality used to be left to the professional health
care providers. This situation is changing with consumers being interested as
Definitions 6: Health care
Managers (HCM)
HCMs is a new breed in the health care industry whose basic interests
may be more related to business efficiency and perhaps profits.
Without being health care professionals, HCMs exert a powerful impact
on the way health care is delivered by controlling the health care resources.
HCM’s control of health care often goes out of bounds when business
managers in a hospital seem to be dictating what types of treatment modalities
a physician must use or what types of medication he should prescribe.
HCMs cannot be dismissed as an unwelcome interference. They play a vital
role because in the long run, economics cannot be divorced from medicine.
Quality process 1: Betterment
of Care
The quest for quality is an integral part of good medical practice. QI
should not be looked at as looking over the shoulders of health care providers
to discover their mistakes and thus condemn or penalise them.
Successful quality programs should be welcomed by the care providers
and they should look at them as a means of improving their work.
QI is team-work. It is a misconception to look at QI consultants as
policemen prowling around the hospital to catch culprits who are violating
standards of good practice.
Quality process 1: Betterment
of Care … cont
All care providers are members of the QI team and all share the same
purpose of improving care. All will share the credit of improved care as a
result of QI efforts.
The quality process can not be generic. Each institution or even each
department has its own approach to quality. There can not be one prescription
that fits all situations.
The quality process must be simple, practical, and relevant to the
local situation.
All people involved in the process must be able to understand it. As
soon it becomes too complex or too technical it loses its major impact.
Quality process 2:
Identifying and Defining Problems
Mistakes and errors are part of life and are not completely avoidable.
Errors of omission or commission will occur in any system managed by humans. A
biological system will also develop errors inevitably.
Some of the errors may be no-differential, occur purely by chance.
Others may be differential reflecting a consistent bias or trend.
QI is more meaningful for non-random errors because a causal pathway
can be established and something can be done about them.
Quality process 2:
Identifying and Defining Problems…cont
QI does not set itself the purpose of establishing an error-free system
because that is not possible. The important issue is detecting errors early and
resolving them.
The purpose of QI detects trends and factors that are pre-cursors of
major problems.
Random errors cannot be predicted accurately but there are conditions
that are conducive to their occurrence.
Non-random events are easier to detect and study because they are
consistent and associated causal or aggravating factors can be discovered.
Quality Process 3: Anticipating,
Preventing, and Resolving Problems
QI does not confine itself to detecting problems, it aims at looking
for solutions and preventing future recurrence. A QI report is incomplete
without a series of recommendations on how to improve.
A QI report about a problem that is un-resolvable given the existing
and real constraints in manpower, knowledge, technology, and resources is not
of much benefit.
Quality Process 3: Anticipating,
Preventing, and Resolving Problems… cont
The QI consultant does not confine himself to identifying or describing
problems and recommending solutions, he must go a step further to persuade,
convince, and cajole the care providers to change their ways and adopt his
The QI consultant must also follow up on the implementation of the recommendations.
New problems may appear as a result of that implementation. Sometimes the
implementation may fail and the reasons for that must be found.
Quality process 4: Education
and reassurance of care providers
The QI process identifies problems and bottle-necks that the care
provider cannot see easily in the daily heavy routines of hospital work.
QI provides a new and different perspective to the health care delivery
process such that the health care delivery personnel can undertake corrective
or ameliorative measures. They thus become educated and definitely better at
whatever they are doing.
QI could be looked at as a process of learning from mistakes. To
achieve this purpose the QA process must be continuous and comprehensive.
When the QI process finds that the providers are doing a good job and
they are told so, they are reassured. This reassurance is needed a lot in the
situation of continuous stress experienced by health-care givers.
Quality process 5: Protection
of Consumers
Consumers need to be protected from dangerous, wasteful, or ineffective
treatment modalities.
The QI process could play the role of overseeing and detecting
problems, pointing them out, and suggesting solutions.
In the era of rapidly-evolving technologies and treatment modalities,
serious problems appear frequently and require urgent and effective solutions.
QI is likely to become a major pre-occupation of the health-care
profession because of the privatisation of health care.
Since the profit motive is always suspected to compromise care, both
the consumers and the government want to make sure that quality care is
Quality process 6: Legal and
Business Factors:
The health-care providers, including hospital and HMO managers as well
as health insurance companies, are also interested in setting up a good QI
program to be able to detect and correct problems.
Two purposes would be achieved by this: (a) reassure clients and thus
gain their loyalty in a very competitive field and (b) Decrease mistakes that
could result in litigation and heavy court fines and penalties.
Today’s consumers are more educated and more aware of medical matters
and will not hesitate to go to court if they feel that they were given
sub-standard or poor care.
Organization of QI 1: Policy
QI should have strong institutional backing. The head of the hospital
or institution should lend his personal backing.
A QI policy and procedures should be approved by the governing board of
the institution concerned.
Care should be taken in formulating the QI policy and procedures to
make sure that all providers of care are involved and that the policy has
grass-roots support.
HCPs should ‘own’ the policy and not look at it as an imposition from
The QI policy should not be rigid. It should be flexible and easy to
adapt to changing circumstances without going through a major restructuring
Organization of QI 2: External QI
It is always an advantage to have an QI reviewer from outside the institution.
His reports are easier to accept because he has no personal connections or
interests within the institution. He may also bring a new insight to the
problems that people within the institution cannot have.
Recommendations for change from an external reviewer are easier to
A favourable QI report by an outsider gives the institution more
The best way to carry out external QI review is to have an independent
consultant do it. He should not be a permanent employee of the institution but
is paid a consultancy fee based on a clear consultancy contract.
Organization of QI 3: Internal QI
In addition to external QI review, the institution should appoint
internal QI reviewers.
A QI review nurse normally suffices to collect the data needed. A QI
physician could then work with her to analyse the data and reach conclusions.
The nurse could do the follow-up on the recommendations.
The physicians should however always be personally involved in
discussions with other care providers.
Organizational of QI 4:
Departmental or divisional responsibility
The QI process could be organised by department or section.
Each department could set up its own QI committee and appoint QI
Each department could also decide on its own procedures.
QI personnel 1: All care
QI succeeds most when it is part of the institution’s organisational
Thus all care providers should be educated to think of themselves as
stake-holders in the QI process.
This can be achieved by holding special seminars and workshops on QI.
QI personnel 2: QI nurse
A QI nurse usually suffices for data collection both on routine and
more sophisticated cases. She should be specially trained for this job.
She should be given opportunities to visit other institutions and also
attend seminars and conferences to stay up to date in this rapidly-evolving
She should be given due recognition and status in the institution so
that other care providers do not look at her as a person interfering in their
Working as a QI nurse should not be career.
Every 2-3 years there should be a rotation so that another person becomes
a QI nurse and the former QI nurse returns to the ward where she will be more
QI personnel 3: QI Physician
A QI physician can be selected on a part-time basis to cover a
department or section of the hospital. It is not good practice to have a
full-time QI physician; he will soon lose effectiveness by being out of touch
with the realities of the ward.
A QI physician may also start being looked at as a ‘policeman’ which
will jeopardise his role.
It is best for the QI physician to be from the junior ranks again to
emphasise that QI in not control or supervision from above.
The role of the QI physician should be to supervise the QI nurse and
also analyse the data she collects.
QI physician is the one to present the QI report to his peers because
they may not easily accept it from the nurses.
The position of QI physician should also be held in rotation every 1-2
QI personnel 4: QI Manager
For very large institutions with many QI nurses and physicians
scattered in many departments, there is need for administrative co-ordination.
This can be achieved by appointing a hospital QI Manager.
Main functions of QI Manager are: (a) make sure that QI procedures of
each department are co-ordinated and that everybody knows what everybody else
is doing (b) convey QI recommendations to top hospital management in situations
that require high-level decisions involving material and human resources to
resolve the outstanding problems (c) ensure inter-departmental co-ordination in
resolving common problems.
QI personnel 5: QI committee
QI committees at the institutional and departmental levels should be
set up chaired by the most senior physician available.
They should meet on a monthly basis to listen to summary reports of
problems identified, how they were resolved, and measures to prevent recurrence
in the future.
They should set themselves the task of giving general guidelines and
not working on the details.
Methods of QI 1:
Setting criteria
The first step in any quality process is to define the criteria to be
used. The criteria should not be too rigid because each health care delivery
situation has its own peculiarities. The criteria used in an emergency room
should be different from those of a cardiac clinic. The criteria should also
change with time. As some problems are resolved, new ones appear or take up a
higher profile and should be given priority.
Simply stated a criterion is a simple statement of the expected
standard or quality care. The criterion should be simple and defined in such a
way that it is possible to quantify it.
The process of setting criteria should involve all those concerned and
everybody should know by which criteria they are being judged.
The criteria may be simple routine issues like proper documentation of
the patient record (identification numbers, dates & times, signatures of
providers, vital signs).
Methods of QI 1:
Setting criteria… cont
Criteria may involve more specialised issues of proper case management
(diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up).
Some criteria are related to drug prescriptions (indication, dose,
route, interactions, contra-indications, and side-effects).
There are other criteria that focus on consumer satisfaction both in a
physical or psychological sense.
The concept of criteria in practice requires agreeing on common
protocols or approaches for managing various conditions such that each
physician does things in pretty much the same way.
Some physicians may find this interference in their professional
independence but experience has shown that it can result in better, more
efficient, and predictable care that can be evaluated easily.
Methods of QI 2: Sampling
The quality process attempts to draw conclusions about the total health
care process by observing in detail some cases or events. Thus some form of
sampling is needed.
The sampling is not primarily driven by the need to get a
representative sample. It is driven first by problem identification. Then the
records and other sources of information that have relevance to that problem
and can give a valid picture are examined.
The worst form of quality assurance is to take a representative sample
and start fishing for problems.
The sampling units could be charts, wards or departments, patients,
diagnoses, or procedures. Usually 10-20 units are sufficient to provide a valid
picture of what is going on.
Methods of QI 2: Sampling…
It is a mistake for the QI reviewer to single out cases or procedures
by an individual physician or nurse for review.
In some cases critical incidents happen. They reflect the strengths and
weaknesses of the health care system. The QI reviewer must have a system of
surveillance to make sure that such incidents are detected. A critical incident
is normally a problem or a major mistake. It is very useful in that it is
sometimes on the final causal pathway of several problems in the health care
delivery system.
Analysing a critical incident well can unravel many problems that would
normally take a long time to identify using the normal sampling techniques.
Methods of QI 3: Collecting
The best source of data in hospital practice and perhaps in most health
care situations is the patient chart. The patient chart is supposed to be a
comprehensive record of physician, nursing, prescription, and other activities.
The first aim of QI managers is to make sure that records are complete,
accurate, and updated. Thus chart review is the bed-rock of most QI programs.
Additional information can be obtained from attending ward rounds,
discussions with patients and physicians, or special questionnaires and surveys
undertaken on specific problems.
Methods of QI 3: Collecting
Data… cont
Data could be collected over a given period of time to describe the
incidence of particular problems and establish trends. Data collection should
be continuous and regular. The best is to have weekly reviews if there is
sufficient manpower.
QA reviews once a fort-night are possible.
Monthly reviews are too far apart to be of much use.
Very useful data could be collected from critical incidents that occur.
Methods of QI 4: Analysing
The analysis needed in QI is very simple. Use of sophisticated
statistics could only serve to confuse the picture.
The QI analyst must first establish the incidence of a particular event
or problem over a given time frame. He then should next consider the trend; is
it increasing, decreasing, or is it steady.
The co-factors associated with a particular trend are then studied and
correlations are established.
More detailed investigations are then undertaken to find the mechanism
involved, how exactly the co-factor(s) operate(s) to cause the identified
problem. The co-factors could be related to the care provider (attitude, job
satisfaction, knowledge, skills), to health care resources (physical
facilities, manpower, time), to the patient (attitude, co-operation,
compliance), or the general organisational culture (laissez-faire, fastidious,
efficiency, effectiveness, customer service).
Methods of QI 4: Analysing
data… cont
The data analysis by the QI reviewer should not be considered final. He
should sit with the care providers and managers and review the basic data with
them without telling them his own conclusions and biases. He should listen
carefully to their perspectives of the problems since they could come up with a
different conclusion.
The reviewer should be prepared to change his own conclusions in the
light of the discussions with the care providers.
In some cases the providers may not be forth-coming in terms of analysing
the data in which case the QI reviewer could give them his own conclusions and
ask for their reactions.
Common problems 1:
The most common problem is that of documentation. Care providers in
their rush to deal with a heavy work-load do not take the time to document
The date and time procedures carried out or when the patient is seen
are vital to make sure that there is a correct time-frame for follow-up.
Care providers forget to sign their names and indicate their title;
notes and instructions cannot be appreciated fully unless their author is
identified. An observation by a consultant is not the same as that of an
In many records the daily recording of the vital signs (temperature,
blood pressure, pulse, and respiratory rate) is forgotten.
Documentation is sometimes incomplete for example a chart may have an
instruction to take blood pressure without mentioning how often or whether it
is supine or prone.
Careful review of charts sometimes reveals problems like results of an
investigation being found without any notes indicating who ordered the
investigation and why.
Common problems 2:
The availability of many radiological and laboratory tests has made
physicians lazy; they do not exert the mental effort needed to be selective and
order only those investigations that make sense in terms of the findings from
history taking and physical examination.
Review of some charts reveals that the physician does not even bother
to take a history and examine the patient carefully, he just orders a plethora
of tests in the hope that one will indicate what the diagnosis is.
Ignorance of physicians of the costs of these tests or a non-caring
attitude since someone else is responsible for the bill also encourages this
behaviour. The matter becomes worse if the physician has financial incentives
to order too many investigations.
Common problems 2:
Investigations… cont
The other side of this story is failure to order investigations that
are obviously necessary given the patient’s symptoms and signs.
Sometimes the physician makes a note about making investigations but
does not actually write the order.
In many cases there is no follow-up to make sure that the results are
obtained and are in the chart with the result that the physician orders the
same test several times and it is done that many times, a wasteful situation.
Common problems 3:
Many mistakes are made in prescriptions. Fortunately few involve
prescribing the wrong drug. In most cases mistakes are in the dosage or
Mistakes about the route of administration are rare and if they occur
are easily identified by the nursing or pharmacy staff.
Poor history-taking is responsible for drug interactions and allergic
Review of many charts indicates that many physicians are not aware of
the side-effects of the drugs they prescribe because there is often no notation
in the chart that they enquire about symptoms of possible side-effects when
they review the patients.
Common problems 4:L Follow-up
The concept that case management is a complete job involving follow-up
even after cessation of treatment does not seem to be well appreciated by many
Review of charts does not show planned follow-up of discharged
Follow up of QI findings 1:
Basic Philosophy
The basic philosophy involved in presenting QI findings is not to
apportion blame but to identify problems and resolve them. The QI process
should be a win-win for all involved. The patient gets good care.
The providers are reassured if they are doing well or they are educated
to improve their care so that they will shine next time around. The institution
gains the loyalty of its patients and is saved from costly legal battles that
could arise out of poor quality care and professional malpractice.
Follow up of QI findings 2:
QI Caucus meeting
The QI findings in a department should be discussed in a small caucus
of providers concerned in that department. Many issues that were seen as
problems may actually not turn out to be so when additional information is
obtained from people who are involved directly.
The meeting could also suggest solutions to the problems and decisions
are taken about what to do with clear tasks being assigned to individuals. The
initial report should be modified to reflect new information from the caucus.
The report should be up-dated after the next meeting of the caucus when
the results of intervention decisions taken at the last meeting are available
and can be incorporated in the report.
Follow up of QI findings 3:
The departmental QI Report
A departmental QI report, based on QI caucus reports, must be written on a regular basis. It is
best done on a monthly basis. A more frequent one does not identify trends
The QI reports should be sequential. The next report should discuss
follow-up and solution of problems identified in the previous report. It should
also comment on any trends seen earlier.
The report should mention whether they have increased or decreased
during the reporting period. Preventive anticipatory measures taken must be
also mentioned.
The report should not in the normal circumstances mention any names of
care providers or of patients. It should focus on the problem and not seek to
apportion blame.
Follow up of QI findings 4:
The Institutional QI report
The institution should issue a QI report either every 6 months or every
year. The report should mainly mention problems encountered in the year, how
they were resolved, and the results.
The Institutional QI report is a valuable document that stakeholders in
the institution may want to read once in a while.
The distribution of this report has to be thought about seriously. It
is a very important document that if it falls in the hands of competitors or
aggrieved parties could be misused either to generate bad publicity or
institute some legal action.
The institutional report should therefore always be treated as a
confidential internal document.
Follow up of QI findings 5:
Follow-up of reports
It is not enough to write a report and distribute it. It may lie
unattended on people’s desks or get filed away and is forgotten.
The QI reviewer should take the initiative to discuss the draft report with
the care providers concerned before it is officially published or is issued. He
should also solicit their views and plans of action for dealing with them.
A summary of these plans could be included in the final report.
Follow up of QI findings 6:
Problems that arise out of the QA process
Personal clashes could arise if some care providers feel that the QA
report was biased against them or was an attempt to show them in bad light.
Patients or their lawyers could use the QA report as written admission
by the institution of wrong-doing and they may sue in courts of law.