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Presentation at the 1st Genomics Medicine and Research Symposium: New Horizon in Genomics Applications held at King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh on 10-12 February 2019. By: Prof. Dr. Omar Hasan Kasule, Sr. MB ChB, MPH, DrPH (Harvard). Professor of Epidemiology and Chairman of the Human and Medical Ethics Committee, Chairman of the Behavior Standards Committee, and Chairman of the Institutional Review Board / Research Ethics Committee


Genomic Research

}  Genomic research involving sequencing and analysis of the genome.

}  Rapidly growing field rapidly integrated into the health care system.

}  Ethical dilemmas some old and some very new.


Ethical Issues

}  Human identity and human dignity.

}  Informed consent.

}  Privacy and confidentiality.

}  Return or disclosure of results.

}  Approval and regulation.


Human Dignity

}  Genomic research and fundamental questions about the human: who are we? What is our past and what is our destiny?

}  Issues about personhood: neuro and psychiatric genomics.

}  Demystifies the human: collections of genes, amino acid sequences, and mutations.

}  Creation of new and artificial categories of discrimination and stigmatization.


Informed Consent

}  Getting informed consent for genomic research is complex because stakeholders include the family and the tribe as well as future generations.

}  Disclosure of benefits vs risks ?vague

}  Consent for a research program vs consent study-by-study?

}  Local research vs multi-center research?

}  Parental privileges to consent for children: traditional vs genomic research / future risks and benefits not yet clear.


Elements Of Informed Consent

}  Sequencing details.

}  Return of results: Anticipated vs. incidental.

}  Return of results: Treatable vs. non-treatable conditions?

}  Future use of the material and the results: Science vs commerce.


Privacy And Confidentiality

}  Privacy and confidentiality nightmare because of increasing sequencing.

}  Sequencing data of a person reveals secrets about the whole family, clan, or tribe.

}  Building family trees is part of the research but it puts familial data at risk.

}  Disclosure of results about disease risk: research participant vs family members?

}  Refusal to disclose results that overwhelm the participant with too much information?


Incidental Findings

}  Incidental findings can be disclosed to the research participant, the extended family, or a committee that will decide what to do.

}  Incidental findings are more problematic when the research is done on hospital pathology or biobanks anonymized tissues without prior specific consent.


Research vs Treatment

}  The rapid development of genomics is obliterating the boundary between research and treatment.

}  Research results enter into in treatment almost immediately.

}  Risk of dangerous therapies that will be discovered much later.


Institutional Review Board (IRB)

}  IRB handling of genomic research projects has been evolving.

}  Genomic research was at first treated like gene-based research as high risk because of confidentiality.

}  As more sequencing was done, both locally and overseas, and the confidentiality issues became clearer, the risk categorization is being reconsidered.