Copyright 2011 by Professor Omar Hasan Kasule Sr
Case #45: A child’s asthma progressed to respiratory failure and death. The father refused tom give up his heavy smoking and the mother refused to get rid of their cats to which the child is allergic. Hospital authorities request for a postmortem examination to establish the cause of death for fear that they may be charged unfairly for negligence in the death of the child. The social workers also request a postmortem because they suspect that parental negligence contributed to the death. The family rejects postmortem claiming the child died from a curse and not disease.
Case #46: A police officer died a few minutes after admission from what was suspected injuries sustained in the course of his duty. The police department insisted on a postmortem to determine the cause of death in order to make decisions about compensation. The family was divided. Some were opposed to postmortem and others wanted to go ahead.