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Background material by Professor Omar Hasan Kasule Sr. for Year 2 Semester 1 Med PPSD session on 20th October 2008

Salat is delayed while anticipating vomiting because vomiting is najasat and will nullify the salat anyway.

Vomiting nullifies fasting; it is recommended to continue fasting even after an episode of vomiting but make up the day after.

Hiccup in salat may make recitation of the Qur’an impossible. If the hiccup persists it is preferable to terminate the salat and wait until it subsides.

In extreme cases of peptic ulcer disease the patient is exempted from fasting.

Any incidence of audible smelt flatus nullifies wudhu. A general feeling of flatulence does not nullify wudhu. Salat should not be terminated on mere suspicion of passing flatus.

A situation of continuous diarrhoea makes it difficult to maintain a state of wudhu or to pray in congregation. When an episode of diarrhoea is impending, salat is terminated by tasliim at any stage and is resumed after defecation and a new wudhu. In cases of anal incontinence, wudhu is made immediately before each prayer.

Upper GIT bleeding that does not cause visible blood at the anal opening does not nullify wudhu. If it leads to hematemesis, saum is void and has to be made up later. Fresh bleeding from hemorrhoids and anal lesions does not nullify wudhu but must be washed away immediately and before salat commences.

Any cause of abdominal discomfort such as pain, cramps, spasms, and digestive disorders make it difficult to concentrate in salat. It is recommended to delay salat until the discomfort is treated.

Pain of gallstones in an acute attack makes concentration in salat difficult. Associated vomiting may void saum.

The colostomy site is kept as clean as possible all the time. Wudhu is made before each salat. Normally there is no interference with saum.

Halitosis, bad oral smell due to caries, gingivitis, and oral ulcer; is a reason for keeping away from public assemblies until the condition is cured.

Disease transmission by feco-oral route requires special measures to protect public health in the food service industry. Islamic teachings about personal hygiene play a role in preventing the spread of infection.