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DATA ANALYSIS: analysis of class data

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Computation exercise Year 1 Semester 1 Medical PPSD session on 13th August 2008

  1. Compute descriptive statistics for each of the following variables in class data. The statistics include: mean (with 95% confidence), mode, median, minimum, maximum: age, weight, height, blood pressure, and ideal age at marriage.

  1. Compute descriptive statistics for each of the following variables in class data. The statistics include: mode, median, minimum, maximum, proportion with 95% confidence):  gender, district of birth, type of primary school (government or private), number of siblings, pulse rate, respiratory rate, use of glasses (yes/no), use of glasses by father (yes/no), mother (yes/no), any sibling(yes/no), color preference (choose only among primary colors), desired number of children, do you want to specialize (yes/no).