medical students Faculty of Medicine King Fahad Medical City on 10th
May 2015 by Professor Omar Hasan Kasule Sr.
is this topic important?
and HCW must understand types and causes of errors to be able to prevent them
are a learning experience
violation, near miss, hindsight bias, root cause analysis.
Understand the nature of error and how health
care can learn from error to improve patient safety.
outcomes: knowledge and performance
explain the terms error, violation, near miss, hindsight
know the ways to learn from errors;
participate in an analysis of an adverse event;
practice strategies to reduce errors.
of errors
In simple terms, an error occurs “when someone
is trying to do the right thing, but actually does the wrong thing ie a
non-deliberate deviation from what was intended.
Errors may occur by doing the wrong thing
(commission) or by failing to do the right thing (omission).
Violations are errors caused by a deliberate
deviation from an accepted protocol or standard of care.
A bad outcome may occur without an error. A
error may not be followed by a bad outcome
Medical errors are like other errors but medical
professionals are reluctant to acknowledge errors because of the culture of
2 types of error: execution error or lapse
error types
Rule-based mistake
Knowledge-based mistake
Skill-based slips
Attention slips
Lapses of memory
error reduction principles
Unfamiliarity with the task
Shortage of time
Inadequate checking
Poor procedures
Limited memory capacity
Stress, hunger, illness
Language or cultural factors
Hazardous attitudes
to remember the principles: HALT
H - Hungry
A - Angry
L - Late
T - Tired
mnemonic is IM SAFE
I - Illness
M - Medication (prescription alcohol and
S - Stress
A - Alcohol
F - Fatigue
E - Emotion
Incident reporting and monitoring involves
collecting and analysing information about any event
An incident-reporting system is a fundamental
component of an organization’s
ability to learn from error.
Incidents are traditionally under-reported,
often because the person approach to incident analysis
The frequency of reporting and the manner in
which incidents are analysed—using a systems
approach rather than a person approach—are
heavily dependent on the leadership and “culture” within an organization.
strategies in terms of incident
anonymous reporting;
timely feedback;
open acknowledgement of successes resulting from
incident reporting;
reporting of near misses is useful in that “free
lessons” can be learnt, i.e. system
improvements can be instituted as a result of
the investigation but at no cost to a patient.
cause analysis 1
Root cause analysis is a tool to evaluate, analyze
and develop system improvements for the most serious adverse events [9].
Reporting an incident requires the following
basic information: What happened? Who was involved? When did it happen? Where
did it happen? The severity of the actual or potential harm. The likelihood of recurrence.
The consequences.
Root cause analysis focuses on the system and
not the individual worker and assumes that the adverse event causing harm to a
patient is a system failure.
The severity assessment code is used to triage
the reported incidents to ensure those indicating the most serious risk to the
organization is dealt with first.
cause analysis 2
The root cause analysis model focuses on
prevention not blame or punishment. Other processes are used when people are
required to be accountable for their actions.
The focus is on systems level vulnerabilities
and not individual performance. The model examines multiple factors such as
communication, training, fatigue, scheduling,
rostering, environment, equipment, rules,
policies and barriers.
The defining characteristics of root cause
analysis include: review by an inter-professional team knowledgeable about the
processes involved in the event; analysis of systems and processes rather than
individual performance; deep analysis using “what” and “why” probes until all
aspects of the process are reviewed and contributing factors are considered; identification
of potential improvements that could be made in systems or processes to improve
performance and reduce the likelihood of such adverse events or close calls in
the future.
personal error reduction strategies for students are to
know yourself (eat well, sleep well and look
after yourself):
know your environment;
know your task(s);
preparation and planning (What if...);
build checks into the routine;
ask if you do not know.
assume that errors will be made and that they should
prepare for them;
identify those circumstances most likely to lead
to errors;
have contingencies in place to cope with problems,
interruptions and distractions;
always mentally rehearse complex procedures or
if it is the first time you are
doing an activity involving a patient.
are known to limit the potential errors
avoid reliance on memory;
simplify processes;
standardize common processes and procedures;
routinely use checklists;
decrease the reliance on vigilance.
Both individual and organizational levels
through incident reporting and analysis.
Barriers to learning from error include: a blame
culture that institutes a person approach to investigation and the phenomenon
of hindsight bias.
A broadly based system approach is required for
organizational learning and the possibility of system change to occur.
Root cause analysis is a highly structured
system approach to incident analysis that is generally reserved for the most
serious patient harm episodes.
21-year-old female has died after being administered vincristine accidentally
via a spinal route in error. An inquiry is under way. Vincristine (and other
vinca alkaloids) should only be given intravenously via a minibag. Vincristine,
a widely used chemotherapeutic agent, should only be administered intravenously,
and never by any other route. Many patients receiving IV vincristine also
receive other medication via a spinal route as part of their treatment
protocol. This has led to errors where vincristine has been administered via a
spinal route. Since 1968, this error has been reported in a variety of
international settings 55 times. There have been repeated warnings over time
and extensive labelling requirements and standards. However, errors related to
the accidental administration of vincristine via a spinal route continue to
21-year-old male was being treated for non- Hodgkin’s lymphoma. A syringe
containing vincristine for another patient had been accidentally delivered to
the patient’s bedside. A physician administered vincristine via a spinal route,
believing it was a different medication. The error was not recognized and the
patient died three days later.
58-year-old female was being treated for non- Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Vincristine
was prepared in a 20 ml syringe and delivered in a package containing two other
drugs, including methotrexate. Route of administration was not indicated on the
solutions. The intrathecal treatment was administered at noon. The haematologist
was particularly busy and requested help from another doctor who had not recently
participated in intrathecal procedures. The medication was delivered in the
patient’s room. The nurse who assists was not familiar with the intrathecal
procedures. The 20 ml syringe with vincristine was passed to the doctor who
started to inject it. After administering approximately 2 ml, he noticed the
size of the syringe and ceased administration realizing the error. The patient
died approximately 100 days later.
28-year-old male with Burkitt’s lymphoma was receiving methotrexate via a
spinal route. The doctor documented that “vincristine and methotrexate [were]
given intrathecally as requested”. The warning label on the vincristine was
incomplete, and in small print, being read in a darkened room. The error was
not recognized until five days later, after paralysis of the lower limbs had
occurred. The patient died after 28 days.
the preoperative team briefing (team discussion before surgical procedure) was
coming to an end, a nurse spoke up and reported that “the patient has a left
contact lens in his eye”. The anaesthetist asked whether it was permanent and the
nurse verified that it was disposable. The anaesthetist
asked the patient why the contact was being worn, but the patient was sedated
and not very coherent when he attempted to respond. The nurse explained that
the patient was unable to see without the contact. The anaesthetist explained
to the operating room team that the patient could not have the contact lens
with anaesthetic and that the patient should not have been sedated with it. One
of the team members asked the anaesthetist if he wanted the contact lens to be
taken out and the anaesthetist replied, “Well, he cannot have anaesthesia with
it”. The surgical resident helped the patient remove the contact lens from his
eye. The patient asked for something to put it in so saline was located and the
contact lens was stored in a small container of saline.