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Lecture for 3rd year medical students Faculty of Medicine King Fahad Medical City Riyadh on October 29, 2013 by Professor Omar Hasan Kasule Sr.

7 DIMENSIONS OF PROFESSIONALISM: based on Islamic paradigms (mafaahiim islamiyyat) and world view (tasawwur islami)
1.      Faith (iman)
2.      Consciousness (taqwat)
3.      Best character (ahsan al akhlaq),
4.      Excellent performance (itqaan al ‘amal),
5.      Strife toward perfection (ihsan),
6.      Responsibility (amanat),
7.      Self-accountability (muhasabat al nafs).

4 stages in group formation: iltiqa, intiqa, irtiqa
·         Group membership has benefits of (a) integration, (b) stimulation, (c) motivation, (d) innovation, (e) emotional support, (f) endurance, and (g) superior performance.
·         Disadvantages of groups: (a) arrogance: members of the group may start feeling that they are special, they know and understand better than others and in time may start relaxing and eventually fail (b) Some members of the group may be suppressed from making useful contributions by other members who feel that they know more and thus tend to be domineering (c) Members in a study group may not have compatible personalities and intra-group conflicts may make group study less beneficial.

·         Mature groups: have group identity, optimized feedback, decision-making procedures, cohesion, flexibility of organization, resource utilization, communication, clear accepted goals, interdependence, participation, and acceptance of minority views.
·         Effective group: members feel secure and not suppressed, members understand and practice sincere group dynamics, members are competent and are committed to the group and the leadership.
·         Failure of groups: members cannot communicate, no commonality (interests, attitudes, and goals), and when they have diseases of envy, hypocrisy, rumor mongering, back-biting, lying, show-off, pride, love of leadership, spying on one another,; and negative thoughts about others, breaking norms, secretive behavior, concealment of information, and secret talks

·         Each study group should have a leader who may be permanent or may be changed at each meeting. The group leader can lead discussion in some sessions and is also encouraged to delegate this responsibility to various members of the group.
·         Whoever has the responsibility for leading discussions must time preparing for the session.
·         The leader should make sure that all members participate.
·         Members must obey the instructions of the leader.
·         Any member wanting to go out for a valid reason must obtain the permission of the leader.
·         Each member of the team carries personal responsibility with leaders carrying more responsibility

ETIQUETTE OF GROUP STUDY: group dynamics 1
·         All members should endeavor to know one another by name
·         Members should greet one another before starting.
·         All members must learn to listen and not interrupt others
·         Members must avoid quarrels or loud arguments.
·         A spirit of tolerance should exist with the understanding that there could be more than one way of being right.
·         Excessive laughing or joking should be avoided.
·         Members should sit with proper etiquette.
·         End the meeting with dua al majlis

ETIQUETTE OF GROUP STUDY: group dynamics 2
·         Groups must be united, cooperative, open and trusting, empathetic, supportive, and sharing.
·         Group norms must be respected.
·         Encouraged are positive behaviors: mutual love, empathy, caring for one another; leniency, generosity, patience, modesty, a cheerful disposition, calling others by their favorite names, recognizing the rights of the older members, and self control in anger.
·         Discouraged are negative attributes (harshness in speech, rumor mongering, excessive praise, mutual jealousy, turning away from other for more than 3 days, and spying on the privacy of others).

·         Special sessions should be set aside for collective self-evaluation by members of the group in terms of group dynamics and group achievements.
·         The purpose should be fostering the spirit of sharing experiences and self-criticism.

. THE STUDENT ETIQUETTE, adab al taalib
·         The student should respect the teacher. This is respect to knowledge and not the individual. The prophet taught admiration and emulation of the knowledgeable.
·         Students should be quiet and respectfully listen to the teacher all the time.
·         Students should cooperage such that one who attends a teaching session will inform the others of what was learned.
·         Students can learn a lot from one another. The student who hears a fact from a colleague who attended the lecture may even understand and benefit more.
·         Students should ask questions to clarify points that they did not understand or which seem to contradict previous knowledge and experience.
·         Taking notes helps understanding and retention of facts.

·         Getting the facts
·         Understanding the facts
·         Thinking about the facts

·         The following are attributes of good discussion: objectivity, truthfulness, asking for evidence, and knowledge
·         The truth of any assertion must be checked. Yaqeen is the basis of ‘ilm but dhann is not.
·         Questions can be for finding out information.
·         Differences on scientific matters can arise and are natural. The opposing opinion should be respected. Different does not always mean wrong
·         Truth must be revealed: Fear of people should be no reason for not revealing the truth

·         Arrogance is condemned.
·         Purposeless disputation is frowned upon. 
·         False premises should be abandoned once discovered.
·         Deception is condemned.

·         Analytic knowledge
·         Evidence-based knowledge
·         Objectivity
·         Drawing conclusions from empirical facts
·         Rational thinking and logical operations
·         Prudence in reaching conclusions

·         The leader must make sure that all components of the program are covered uniformly by the end of the semester.
·         Time should be left at the end to deal with any administrative matters that may arise or to solve any personal problems of members that may arise.
·         Audit time management

·         The leader should make sure that all members participate. This can be achieved by being pro-active i.e. addressing questions to individuals or inviting them to make comments.
·         If a member is unable to say anything or is unwilling or otherwise reluctant, the naqib should not insist but should move on to the next member.
·         Very talkative members should not be allowed to dominate the discussions.
·         The leader should politely re-direct any speaker who veers off the topic of discussion.