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Lecture for 4th year medical students at the Faculty of Medicine King Fahad Medical City on October 7, 2013 by Prof Omar Hasan Kasule Sr.

Causes of blindness
·         Transient blindness is found in rapid acceleration, glomerulonephritis.
·         Permanent blindness may be due to injury to the retina, the optic nerve, or the cerebral visual centers.
·         Infectious disease that cause blindness: gonorrhoea, syphilis, rubella, trachoma, leprosy, tuberculosis, meningitis, measles, diphtheria, and onchocerciasis.
·         Diabetes causes cataracts and retinopathy that lead to blindness.
·         Atherosclerosis may cause retinal atrophy by blocking blood supply.
·         Nutritional deficiencies may make the cornea opaque.
·         Cataract is opacity of the cornea that causes blindness.
·         Intraocular pressure may affect the optic nerve.

Impact of blindness on activities of daily living
·         Color blind patients cannot see hematuria[1] and cannot recognize blood in other body fluids[2]
·         Eating, drinking, walking, sleeping, social interaction
·         Education and teaching, reading etc
·         Family
·         Occupation
·         Effect on other sensory modalities

Impact of blindness on Impact of blindness on Ibadat:
·         The obligation of salat al jama'at and salat al jumu'at is lessened for a blind person who has not guide to the mosque.
·         A blind person can be muaddhin only if he has someone to tell him the correct time.
·         A blind person can be imaam.
·         Eye drops can be used in Ramadhan.
·         Ramadhan improves certain ocular conditions such as glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy.
·         The obligation to travel to Makka and perform hajj is considered if there are others to help him see the way.

Impact of blindness on holding public office:
·         A blind person can be a public leader if the visual impairment is not judged to impair performance of leadership functions.
·         A blind person cannot be a judge because a judge in court must see the witnesses and must be able to assess their demeanor.
·         A blind person can be a scholar or a teacher

Impact of blindness on Muhakamaat, evidence in court:
·         Evidence requiring sight cannot be accepted from a blind person.
·         Other types of evidence are acceptable.
·         A blind person can testify about things seen before blindness

Impact of blindness on Munakahaat, marriage:
·         A blind person can get married without seeing and knowing the bride but measures must be taken to make sure there is enough mutual knowledge of the future spouse based on other senses that are intact like hearing and getting information from others.
·         The sunnat mentioned marriage to a woman with congenital blindness, man tazawaaja imra at wa biha baras[3].
·         A blind person can be being wali in marriage if there is sufficient information that he knew the spouses before getting blind and can recognize both using other senses.

Impact of blindness on Mu'alamalat:
·         Selling and buying by a blind person can take place in transactions where fraud is unlikely.
·         Blind persons can offer professional services if there is no possibility of harm due to their lack of sight.

Social impact of blindness
·         Economic impact: high cost of home care and loss of quality adjusted life years[4]
·         Female gender and low SES associated with blindness[5]
·         Nigerian study showed that the blind were reasonably adjusted in social interaction, marriage, and family but poorly adjusted in education, vocational training, employment, and mobility. Many were also considered to be psychologically maladjusted[6].
·         Economic burden[7]
·         Societal burden[8]


[1] Urol Int. 2009;83(3):289-90..
[2] Arch Intern Med. 2001 Feb 12;161(3):461-5.
[3] (KS550 Muwatta K28 H9)
[4] Arch Ophthalmol. 2007 Apr;125(4):544-50 should account for the fraction of the annual monetary cost and loss of quality-adjusted life years that can be averted.
[5] Indian J Ophthalmol. 2012 Sep-Oct;60(5):368-75.
[6] Ann Afr Med. 2011 Apr-Jun;10(2):155-64.
[7] Indian J Ophthalmol. 2012 Sep-Oct;60(5):358-64. d
[8] Am J Ophthalmol. 2012 Oct;154(4):750-5.