Paper delivered at The International Seminar and Workshop on Implementing Islamic Principles in Healthcare held the Faculty of Medicine National University Medical Center Kuala Lumpur on 17-18 October 2009 by Professor Omar Hasan Kasule Sr MB ChB (MUK), MPH (Harvard), DrPH (Harvard) Professor King Fahad Medical College Riyadh, Professor of Epidemiology and Islamic Medicine University of Brunei and Visiting Professor of Epidemiology University of Malaya. EM: and WEB:
The Paper Presents Justifications For Islamic Hospitals: (A) Healthcare In An Islamic Social And Spiritual Environment. (B) Fulfilling The Patient’s Ibadat Obligations. (C) Excellent Medical Care According To The Principles Of Ihsaan And Itiqaan.(D) Solving Ethico-Legal-Fiqh Issues For The Patient. In Addition An Islamic Hospital Has Kind And Compassionate Healthcare Workers Who Consider Medical Service As Ibadat. An Islamic Hospital Also Provides Help For The Poor And The Indigent. It then explores the experiences and challenges of Islamic hospitals in Southeast Asia over the past 10 years. It concludes by looking at the future of the Islamic healthcare industry which given present trends is likely to grow into a major industry.