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Year 1 Semester 2 Medical PPSD 2008 2009 Learning Objectives

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CASE #1:
BACKGROUND PHILOSOPHY and CONCEPTS: BASIC SCIENCES BACKROUND: Creation (cosmogenesis / genesis) and afterlife (eschatology):
LOB1: Describe various views about the start of the universe
LOB2: Discuss how medical science reveals signs of the creator
LOB3: Discuss the relation between creation on one hand and physical laws, order, change, and permanence on the other hand.
LOB4: Describe and contrast the creationist and evolutionary views of human creation
LOB5: Describe the matter-spirit duality of human nature
LOB6: Discuss the superiority of humans over other creations based on superior intellect and moral values
LOB7: Describe the mission of humans as vicegerents on the earth
LOB8: Describe the human racial/ethnic, social, and cultural diversity and how it can affect medical care
LOB9: Describe the various beliefs about the afterlife and explain how they affect attitudes to disease and to death
LOB10: Define the concept of personhood and discuss whether there is a difference between the start of life and the start of legal personhood.

RESEARCH SKILLS: Descriptive statistics:
LOB11: Describe computer hardware and software
LOB12: Describe the structures, types, and uses of databases
LOB13: Review data grouping, data tabulation, and data diagrams,

CASE #2:
BACKGROUND PHILOSOPHY and CONCEPTS: Transitions in the status of life:
LOB1: Describe life: definition, nature, criteria, quality, and worth/value
LOB2: Describe death: definition, nature, process, criteria, and attitudes

RESEARCH SKILLS: Descriptive statistics:
LOB3: Define and illustrate descriptive statistics for numerical variables: averages: mean, median, mode and interrelations; measures of dispersion: mean deviation, variance, standard deviation, Z (standardized) score, quartiles, deciles, range=min-max).
LOB4: Define and illustrate descriptive statistics for categorical variables: tabulation, frequency, relative frequency, and cumulative frequency.

CASE #3:
BACKGROUND PHILOSOPHY and CONCEPTS: Transitions in the status of life: Transitions in the status of health:
LOB1: Describe health: definition, quality, determinants, individual, family, community, protection, and promotion
LOB2: Describe disease / illness: definition, classification, causes, positive and negative attributes and consequences
LOB3: Describe treatment of disease: cure vs prevention, curability of all disease, complementation between prevention and cure, modalities of treatment, doa, and condemnation of superstition.

RESEARCH SKILLS: Inferential statistics:
LOB4: Define and illustrate estimation of confidence interval, estimation for a population mean, and estimation for a population proportion
LOB5: Define and illustrate hypothesis testing, the process of hypothesis testing, and interpretation of p value,

CASE #4:
BACKGROUND PHILOSOPHY and CONCEPTS: The human life cycle: infancy to youth
LOB1: Discuss the intrauterine period: conception, stages, external and internal environments, and ethico-legal implication of the start of life, disorders
LOB2: Discuss infancy and childhood: parenthood, physical, social, and psychosocial growth, and disorders
LOB3: Discuss adolescence: definition, physical changes, problems of transition, mismatch between biology and wisdom / experience)
LOB4: Discuss youth: definition, stress career vs family, cognition vs emotion, idealism vs pragmatism, and morality vs hedonism.

RESEARCH SKILLS: Inferential statistics:
LOB5: Describe and illustrate numerical / continuous statistical analysis: Independent and paired t tests as well as one-way ANOVA.

BACKGROUND PHILOSOPHY and CONCEPTS: The human life cycle: middle age and the elderly
LOB1: Describe middle age: definition, biological, social, psychological changes in men and women, the midlife crisis, menopausal problems: physical, psycho-social-sexual
LOB2: Describe old age: definition,  homeostasis vs. homeostenosis, ageing vs disease, characteristics, physical decline, psychosocial functions, care for the elderly: home vs. institution, research on the elderly, common health disorders, exemption of the elderly from social and religious obligations
LOB3: Discuss after life: linear vs cyclic concepts.

RESEARCH SKILLS: Inferential statistics:
LOB4: Describe and illustrate non-parametric numerical data analysis: Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, and the Wilcoxin-signed rank test.

CASE #6:
LOB1: Discuss the creation of the human organism: perfection, optimality, and incomparability
LOB2: Discuss the interaction of the external and internal environments: homeostasis, equilibrium, balance, central tendency, ecology, and pathological repair & restoration.
LOB3: Discuss the functional unity of the organism: control, command, and communication systems of DNA, the nervous, endocrine, sensory, and immunological systems
LOB4: Discuss negative vs positive feedback).

RESEARCH SKILLS: Inferential statistics:
LOB5: Describe and illustrate categorical / discrete statistical analysis: Pearson approximate chi square method, and Fisher’s exact method.

BACKGROUND PHILOSOPHY and CONCEPTS: The Biological Miracle II: LOB1: Discuss correlation of structure and function by organ systems: input-output (alimentary and urinary), transport (cardiovascular and respiratory), command, control, aned coordination (sensory, nervous, endocrine, immunological systems), locomotor, support, and protective (musculoskeletal and connective systems).

RESEARCH SKILLS: Inferential statistics:
LOB2: Describe and illustrate sample size determination for numerical and categorical data analysis

CASE #8:
LOB1: Describe fiqh guidelines on personal hygiene, excreta disposal, and toilet etiquette.
LOB2: Describe fiqh guidelines on physiological secretions and wudhu / salat: skin and integuments, hair, ear, nose, throat, mouth, urogenital, intravascular, interstitial, pathological secretions, & intubation, and catheterization.
LOB3: Describe fiqh guidelines on environmental hygiene: bad odors in public gatherings
LOB4: Describe fiqh guidelines on foods & drinks: sources, halal & haram, etiquette of meals, food hygiene, control of the appetite, waste of food, hunger and thirst.

RESEARCH SKILLS: Inferential statistics:
LOB5: Describe and illustrate validity of diagnostic tests: sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV
LOB6: Describe and illustrate ROC curve application

ETHICO-LEGAL-FIQH ISSUES IN CLINICAL PRACTICE APPLICATIONS: Issues In Activities Of Normal Living: Physical activity and rest
LOB1: Discuss fiqh guidelines on physical activity in general: difference between physical activity and physical exercise, health, recreational, and other benefits
LOB2: Discuss fiqh guidelines on standing, sitting, walking and running: purposes, bipedal locomotion, upright posture, dynamic and static balance, postural hypotension in prolonged salat
LOB3: Discuss fiqh guidelines on sports: traditional, violent, participatory & non-participatory
LOB4: Discuss Islamic concepts and fiqh guidelines on sleep and rest: definition, a form of death, purposes, etiquette, dreams, disorders, and legal competence of the sleeping person.

RESEARCH SKILLS: Inferential statistics:
LOB5: Describe and illustrate proportions, rates, and ratios: crude, specific, and adjusted/standardized rates using the direct standardization method

CASE #10:
ETHICO-LEGAL-FIQH ISSUES IN CLINICAL PRACTICE: MEDICAL PROCEDURES: Diagnostic procedures (history, examination, and investigations): LOB1: Discuss ethico-legal-fiqh guidelines on history taking: consent, scope, lifestyle questions, confidentiality, and nasiha.
LOB2: Discuss ethico-legal-fiqh guidelines on physical examination: consent, uncovering awrat, and physicians of opposite gender.
LOB3: Discuss ethico-legal-fiqh guidelines on radiological examination: consent and confidentiality of images.
LOB4: Discuss ethico-legal-fiqh guidelines on laboratory tests: consent, confidentiality, and disclosure
LOB5: Discuss ethico-legal-fiqh guidelines on esophagoscopy and colonoscopy: wudhu, salat, and puasa
LOB6: Discuss ethico-legal-fiqh issues involved in the aggressive investigation of common symptoms: cost vs risk of missed diagnosis and legal liability for missed diagnosis
LOB7: Discuss ethico-legal-fiqh issues involved in HIV testing: compulsory mass testing, compulsory testing of a suspect, targeted testing of high risk groups, testing at the workplace, pre-marital testing, anonymous testing for epidemiological purposes, and disclosure to the employer and the spouse.

RESEARCH SKILLS: Inferential statistics:
LOB8: Describe and illustrate simple linear correlation: scatter plot and Pearson correlation coefficient.
LOB9: Describe and illustrate simple linear regression: dependent and independent variables, simple linear regression equation and line, tests of association using the regression coefficient.

CASE #11:
LOB1: Discuss the balance of benefit and injury in medical interventions: benefit>injury, benefit<injury, benefit=injury, choice between 2 evils, choice between legality and benefit, individual vs public interest, prohibited vs necessary, and double effect
LOB2: Discuss the doctrine of double effect.
LOB3: Discuss the concept of the slippery slope.
LOB4: Discuss the distinction between ordinary vs heroic means in treatment
LOB5: Discuss the difference in consideration between acts of omission vs acts of commission
LOB6: Discuss the ethico-legal-fiqh issues involved in the use of drugs in sports
LOB7: Discuss the ethico-legal-fiqh issues involved in HIV treatment: compulsory treatment of pregnant HIV+ve, and free retroviral drugs for HIV +ve.
LOB8: Discuss the ethico-legal-fiqh issues involved in the prescriptions and administration of medications: ethico-legal issues, financial violations, conflict of interests, pharmacogenetics, regulations of drug administration, request for lifestyle drugs, and porcine derived anticoagulants
LOB9: Discuss fiqh guidelines on medication and wudhu: oral and rectal routes, vomiting after medication.
LOB10: Discuss fiqh guidelines on medication and puasa: oral, rectal, intramuscular, intravenous, and sublingual.

RESEARCH SKILLS: Inferential statistics:
LOB11: Describe and illustrate multiple linear regression: prediction using regression: interpolation and extrapolation.

CASE #12:
LOB1: Discuss ethico-legal-fiqh issues in disclosure of surgical risk and consent
LOB2: Discuss ethico-legal-fiqh issues in anesthesia: consent, wudhu, and salat
LOB3: Discuss ethico-legal-fiqh issues in blood transfusion: safety, cross matching errors, consent/refusal, selling/buying, unwilling donors, donation by relatives, prisoners, and drug addicts.
LOB4: Discuss ethico-legal-fiqh issues in resuscitation: without consent, principle of certainty about nett benefit, and doctrine of futility
LOB5: Discuss ethico-legal-fiqh issues in cosmetic / reconstructive surgery: concept of changing Allah’s creation, beautification, prostheses, gender change, results less than desired, and injury
LOB6: Discuss ethico-legal-fiqh issues in solid organ transplantation: indications, preventive transplantation, sale of organs, informed consent for donor and recipient, friend and family donors, living will on organ donation, issues of organ harvesting and determination of death, minor donors and recipients, ownership of organs, decision to donate for incompetent terminally ill and the dead, condemned prisoners as donors, opt-in and opt-out systems, organ donor card, and organ donor register

RESEARCH SKILLS: Inferential statistics:
LOB7: Describe and illustrate logistic regression for categorical outcome as well as the interpretation of the odds ratio

CASE #13:
LOB1: Describe fiqh guidelines for patient hygiene
LOB2: Describe fiqhi guidelines for patients with the following: colostomy, urinal, and discharging fistula
LOB3: List medical procedures that do not nullify wudhu
LOB4: Describe guidelines for wudhu for patients with the following conditions: skin lesions, wounds, bleeding, urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence; limbs immobilized by plaster of paris, hemiplegia, extreme sensitivity to cold or heat, dysfunctional uterine bleeding
LOB5:  Describe dry ablution, tayammum: definition, conditions of recommendation: skin and cold, etiquette, soil / sand in the hospital
LOB6: Describe ritual bathing, ghusl, for the sick.

RESEARCH SKILLS: Inferential statistics:
LOB7: Describe and illustrate survival data analysis: purposes of survival analysis,  zero time, censoring, lifetable, Kaplan-Meier survival curve, survival rate, median survival time, comparison of survival curves.

CASE #14:
LOB1: Describe fiqh guidelines for salat in the following circumstances: salat with musculoskeletal and neurological disability, joining and shortening salat for a reason; salat for immobilized patient, salat for the blind and deaf, salat in extreme cold/hot weather, salat with extreme thirst or hunger, salat with hemiplegia, salat with vestibular disorders, salat with postural disorders, salat with dysfunctional uterine bleeding
LOB2: Describe fiqh guidelines for puasa in the following circumstances: diabetes, ulcers, vomiting, diarrhea
LOB3: Describe fiqh guidelines for hajj in the following circumstances: hajj with muscoskeletal and neurological disability, hajj for the blind and deaf, hajj with vestibular disorders, and hajj with postural disorders.

RESEARCH SKILLS: Inferential statistics:
LOB4: Define and illustrate survival rate and median survival time
LOB5: Describe and illustrate methods of comparing survival curves).